Gym Style legs - need a barbell?


Hello all,
I'm thinking of buying Gym Style legs and was wondering if I really need a barbell or if I can modify using dumbells? what are your recommendations? If I really need one, I really need one. (especially if I am going to do sts). I just have so much equipment in my little room, I'm starting to not have enough room to work out....besides the fact that it is actually the only room in the house that I've allowed my boyfriend to put his stuff in. He's complaining that I've taken over his only sanctuary. lol
Thanks for the input,
Lots of people modify here using DBs for lower body work. The only problem is it restricts you to how much wt you can use. I can not remember for sure, but I think Cathe uses a 40 pound BB for GSL. I guess you could hold 2 20 pounders either on your shoulders or by your sides for that. I just find a BB works better for me. I think if you are getting STS you will be needing a BB.
I used dumbells for years instead of a barbell. Once I finally got a barbell I found that my performance and comfort during Cathe's lower body workouts dramatically increased. I don't think you NEED a barbell to do GS Legs but it would make the workout much more beneficial and comfortable (in my opinion).

Don't worry if you don't have one or can't afford one right now, though. (I was lucky enough to get the Troy Light Barbell set for my birthday a few years ago!) GS Legs (and ALL of Cathe's weight workouts) are beneficial regardless of whether or not you have the required equipment. The proper equipment just ADDS to the workout--it doesn't make or break it. :)
If you think about it, a barbell take up the least amount of room. You can push this thing unload up against the wall and you will never notice it, then stack your plates neatly. You could also stack your plates in the corner of the room and then place the barbell itself in the hole. To me, dumbells take up a lot of room, especially if you have the entire set. And really, its such an important piece of equipment! Health first, boyfriends second...:rolleyes: oh I'm kidding... not
;) I agree - boys are good for getting the vinegar from the top shelf, but we could just get a step ladder.

Thanks for the advice - I found a friend who is trying to "dejunK" and I think I'll get a good deal on the barbell.

Hears to good health!

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