Gym etiquette


OK, just a few things that drive me nuts:

1) while working out w/dumbells, why do people have to stand 6 inches from the rack so no one else can reach it? Can't they just take a step or two back as a courtesy to others?

2) why can't people put their weights away? (OK why can't MEN put their weights away?) Nothing worse than trying to use the leg press or squat rack w/o having to remove 6 or 8 45 lb plates. You're at a GYM people. How lazy can you be?

3) if you can easily carry on a 20 minute conversation w/your mother in law on your cell phone while using the elliptical, treadmill, step mill, etc., you are not working out hard enough.

4) why do people not wipe the sweat off benches after they're done w/them? I mean, I use a towel whenever possible, but the thought of my head touching the end of a bench that someone else's cootie infested hair was just touching grosses me out.

5) you don't have to drive around out front for 15 minutes to find the closest possible parking spot. You're going to WORK OUT for pete's sake.

OK I know much of this lends weight (pun intended) to working out at home. But I don't have the room or equipment. Besides, I still like my gym & the variety it offers. I just wish people could be courteous to others. Is this wrong of me?
# 3 and #5. Those are the ones that bother me the most.

The parking thing always gets me. People who go shopping and hold up a whole line of traffic just to get a close spot. And they are the ones that need to be walking! That is why I always park out in the boonies, I get a little walk, dont hold up traffic, and avoid a lot of dings to my car doors.

LOL!! DH always complains about #1,#4 and #5. Sometimes I will go to the gym and take a step class. There is always that one person who cha chas a little to close to you. I think to myself "why can't they just stay within their 3 feet of space around their bench"?? Some people just have no manners at all!


edited for typos
Aren't some gymrats awful? Let me add -

--- Don't wear heavy perfume or cologne, please. It reeks when you start to sweat.

--- Don't treat the locker room like it's a fine hotel. There's no maid service, babe. You have to pick up your own towel, and it'd be nice if you'd rinse the sink after washing off all your makeup, or brushing your teeth.

--- Learn to read body language. Exercisers who have on headphones and are avoiding all eye contact while doing their cardio probably don't want to be flirted with or chatted to. Go away.

--- Don't linger on the equipment to have a conversation. Nothing irks a gymgoer more than some guy lounging on the weights bench while he chats about his new apartment, or people leaning on the stationary bikes while making their weekend plans. Move your lazy butt somewhere else, so those of us that want to work out can do so.
#2 & #5 just drive me nuts!!!

What also drives me nuts are the people who sit on the machine between reps instead of getting up and letting someone else get a set itx(
>3) if you can easily carry on a 20 minute conversation w/your
>mother in law on your cell phone while using the elliptical,
>treadmill, step mill, etc., you are not working out hard
>4) why do people not wipe the sweat off benches after they're
>done w/them? I mean, I use a towel whenever possible, but the
>thought of my head touching the end of a bench that someone
>else's cootie infested hair was just touching grosses me out.
>OK I know much of this lends weight (pun intended) to working
>out at home. But I don't have the room or equipment.
>Besides, I still like my gym & the variety it offers. I just
>wish people could be courteous to others. Is this wrong of

I ALWAYS use two towels, I put one on the equipment I am using before I get on it, and the other is to towel off.

I have another why:

Why is it that when there are 30 free pieces of cardio equipment, and someone just has to get on their cell phone, the do it right next to somebody instead of getting as on a piece of equipment that isn't near someone?
Ooooh yeah those are good ones too. I can't tell you how many people have made me naseaus b/c of their strong perfumes. Perfumes & sweat do not mix well!

Re. the body language thing--same goes if someone is reading a book (which I frequently do on the cardio machines--makes the time go faster). Don't say to me "how can you read while you're working out?"

Same w/lingering on the equipment, which actually goes along w/my remove the weights complaint. One very good reason to take your weights off is to signal to others that you're done w/the equipment.

GRRRRRR! x( I think someone peed in my Wheaties this morning!
#'s 1 and 4 drive me nuts. It completely grosses me out when someone (usually a guy) leaves their sweat on the benches. Standing six inches from the dumbbell rack, on the other hand, seems to be done most often by women at my gym. I used to wait until they were finished their set before I chose my next set of dumbbells. Wouldn't you think that since they can clearly see me waiting that they'd inch over? No siree. Now, I only wait a short while and then say "excuse me" and reach right in front of them to get what I need.

Here is another pet peeve of mine. At times when the gym isn't crowed and there are many benches to choose from, do you have to pick the bench directly next to me to do your chest flys?

Also, were you ever standing several feet away from the mirror doing biceps or something, and someone moves directly in front of you to do their bit? What's up with that? Am I invisible or something? There is one particular guy at my gym who does this all the time and I want to smack him over the head with my dumbbell.

Lastly, do the trainers at your gym act like their clients should get special space privledges? My gym has one trainer who sets up a circuit workout for his clients. They do this during the lunch "rush hour" and they take five out of the six benches. If you attempt to make use of one of the benches that they aren't actually using for that particular circuit, they have a fit.

All in all, the people at my gym are pretty considerate (probably because the gym is in my office building, and everyone knows everyone). But every once in a while...

Venting finished.
What about the guy (yes, it is ALWAYS a man) that feels he can use 3 pieces of equipment at once, tying up the machine you're waiting for. i.e. using Smith machine for chest presses, then running over to the triceps pull down, leaving a workout mat or towel there so no one else will use it, then doing push-ups on a matt sprawled out all over the floor, then back to the Smith machine that has his sweaty gross towel still lying on the bench, and the cycle starts over for his 3 sets. x(
There is a woman at my local gym that wears a lot of make-up while "exercising". She doesn't sweat a lot, but "poses". She will sit on a machine and "pretend" to work-out. I figure that she is "looking". In the meantime, I have to deal with other woman trying to talk to me about the guy on the treadmill while I'm trying to workout. Maybe they think that GYM stands for "Get Your Man" !! I don't know, but I don't see it as a social hour. (OK, I've whined enough!!)
I haven't belonged to a gym in over 20 years but I remember these things bothering me even way back then. I also remember watching some girls getting all dolled up, doing their hair, makeup, etc.. before they would go and workout. They would barely break a sweat while my hair would be matted to my head with sweat dripping everywhere (I always had a towel :) ). Fortunately I was married and worked out with my DH who knew I cleaned up pretty well. So I didn't need to impress anyone.

The parking thing still drives me nuts!

Max....there is nothing wrong with wanting people to be more courteous and I can understand your frustration. Hang in there!

LOL now you guys are making me laugh. There used to be this woman at my gym who literally stood in front of the mirrors striking poses like Madonna, only they were bodybuilding poses of was so hard not to stare & laugh at might have been less humourous if she were in good shape, but, well.....

Anyway she got kicked out of my gym for opening a can of whoop a$$ on some guy she wanted to date who wasn't interested in her. So there ya go.

I admit that I do find my gym to be a social outlet, but only b/c I spend so much time there I've inevitably gotten to know people. Also it's one of the few places in the world you can go where people aren't jealous or weird over the fact that you're in good shape, where they encourage you instead of try to talk you out of it. ("oh come on, one donut won't hurt!" "what's the big deal if you miss just one workout?" yadda yadda yadda.........)
After having a gym membership for years and years, I'm soooo glad to have equipment at home now. All those things bothered me too. What I loved (saying sarcastically) was when people would talk about you or what you're doing right next to you, like "look at how much weight she's using..." or stuff like that. I'm too paranoid now, I always feel like I'm being watched.
Susan C.M.
LOL! No kidding about the body language. But just because I may not have one headphones, STAY in your OWN SPACE! Not mine, please!

Shelbygirl, I haven't been in a gym since around 2001. I work out at home, but girl, I rememeber it like it was yesterday when you reminded me of the A-holes that would park their bodies right in front you while you were in the middle of a set using the mirror.

How's this? A couple months ago, a woman was dying her hair on the elliptical next to me! We were in the "Chicks Only" room, which is small, and only has 2 ellipticals, right next to each other. I almost passed out from the fumes! Luckily, she only did it for like 7 minutes!
I HAVE to wear a bit of cologne at the gym because there is always some guy on the treadmill next to me who just stinks, and the scent of my own delicious cologne is the only thing that makes it tolerable. I think guys need to realize they can't wear the same outfit to the gym 4 times in a row. Fresh sweat is one thing, but OLD sweat is just the worst. x(

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