Guilty secret website


If you pay no attention to your weight, good for you!

But if you're like me and you can't resist occasionally getting on the scale, and much worse, comparing yourself to others, I found something that makes me feel a bit better about it all: a website that compares you to other American women of your age and height. I think most Catheites will be pleasantly surprised to learn that they are at least above average in weight. Here's the website:

Disclaimer: I am not promoting paying attention to your weight, and I agree with those on this website who say that how your clothes fit is more important. However, if you're like me in that your clothes are always getting tighter :-( , maybe this will make you realize that you're not nearly as bad as you think, or at least that millions of other women share your problem!

You didn't hear it from me. }(
Wow, that was the best ego boost I've had in a long time.:7 It says that I am in the 8th percentile!!:eek:
Wow I can't believe that. Thanks now I feel better. I know what you mean by weighing and clothes tighter and it can go on.
Thanks Nancy for that site. So cool. I have always told friends that exercise to look at other women their age when they seem to feel fat..:)
Interesting website! I wonder how they get the statistics?

I fall in the 14th percentile, which means that 86% of women my age are heavier than I am (right?). But I'll wager that they also have a higher body fat %, so they would look even heavier. In fact, I think I've seen these women at Walmart! (A great place to go if you ever feel fat and out of shape. You'll feel extremely slim and fit when you look around at most of the other regular shoppers. At least that's how it is at my local Walmart.)

Yes, most of them shop at Walmart. ROFL!!!!

Seriously, that's exactly right. 86% of American women your age and height are heavier than you. And, YES, more of your pounds are muscle than theirs NO DOUBT!!

I'm heading out to Walmart right now....;-)
Ahhh... just the ego boost this pregnant, feeling frumpy gal needs... especially after eating movie theater popcorn over the 3 plus hours of Lord of the Rings: Return of the King. I really to feel better.

My daughter and I are the same height and she is 10 lbs lighter. But at 46, I am in the 5th percentile and at 19, she is in the 24th. I thought that was post-worthy. It really does matter how old you are. (And going to Walmart doesn't help me at all. It just makes me ill to see how awfully overweight so many people are.)
I can't believe you said that! I did the exact same thing yesterday. I hadn't eaten since breakfast and I knew I would get hungry during Lord of the Rings. I looked for something low-fat at the movie theatre, but popcorn was the best thing there. So I bought it and ate it and felt bad about it. I usually eat Redenbacher 94% fat free popcorn, which I feel fine about. But that movie stuff is filled with transfatty no-nos! Great movie though, huh? I really enjoyed it!

Wow! Age does make a big difference. It makes sense to me.

I'm editing this to say that both you and your daughter are still in great percentiles, way above average.
Age DOES make a difference. If I enter my current age (34), I'm at the 11th percentile. If I enter 35, which will be what I'll be in a few months, I go down to 10th. Is that proof that we shrink with age?:)

Well, if age does make a difference in these calculations, then we could see which age group our weight is the average for. Just keep plugging in ages that are 5 years younger, and wait until you reach the 50th percentile. (So someone 46 could be the same average weight as a 25 year old woman, for example).

The closest I get is that I am of the same average weight as a 17 year old female! (I hit the 49th percentile there).
Kathryn, I did what you said and found out I am of the same average weight as a 14 year old female. I hit 49th percentile there. Goodness!

But where I am is better than where I was two years ago. At 98 lbs. and 32 years, I was only at 5th. The closest I could get with these numbers is 39th percentile, with ages 8-13. Thanks Nancy, I do feel healthy.

I'm sorry, I know this is bad, but you are right!!! My family and I have had the same discussion a million times. I'm not sure what it is about Wal-Mart.... but let's just say I don't ever walk out of there feeling bad about myself :eek:

I'm with Pinky. I'd have to be 14-15 years old to be average weight. Younger than my niece. :)

I think I'll go have some ice cream now
I'm in the 2nd percentile! :eek:

I'd have to gain at least 25 lbs to reach the "supposed" minimum weight for my height and age. These kind of charts drive me crazy! :p

Edited to add: I plugged in lower ages trying to get to the 50th percentile, but the highest I could get was 24% and that was putting in as 12 years old. (When I put in any younger ~ 11 years old ~ it said that my height was too tall for my age!) I'm 5'7", 112 lbs and 47 years old. Another reason these charts drive me crazy! ;)

I don't really know if that website made me feel better (I'm in the 49th percentile), but pretty good since i am under 50 being as heavy for my height as I am!!! You guys must really be thin!!!


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