GS total body -- am I crazy?


I've been doing splits for a while and I'm tired of it and want to do some total body workouts, except I'm also sick of circuit workouts and don't have much in the way of just total body workouts. I want something different so I've been looking at premixes. Do you think I'm crazy to do all GS timesavers in one day? That would be a 90 minute total body all lifting workout.

Personally, no, I do not think you are crazy at all. GS is such a great workout and I only feel strong afterwards and ready for more. I'd never thought about what you just suggested, but I'm looking forward to giving it a try. There is such muscle variety that you would be working - go for it!
I believe the total body premix from 4DS is 90 min. or a little more so go for it! I did all the GS timesavers once b/c I had not been able to get it all in that week and wanted all my mucles to get hit.
There are some schools of thought that say that any weight workout over about 60 minutes is less effective.

Do you have Muscle Max? I find MM to be similar in many ways to GS, but of course it is intended to be a full-body workout, and about an hour long. I'd suggest that one instead. Or maybe reduce the number of some exercises in the GS timesavers.
Thanks for all of your replies! I do not have muscle max -- I keep debating about whether or not to get it (especially with STS on its way -- eventually!). I think I may just do all upper body either GS or 4DS and then go for a run. I do have PH, ME, and a lot of the circuit ones (maybe all), so I'll stick to those for the most part, but I was just looking for a change of pace for a while.

thanks again,

There are schools of thought and then there is empirical experience.

I regularly weight lift for longer than 60 minutes, and I have never been stronger in my life.

I say go for the GS 90 min workouts and see what it does for you. Maybe it's too much, maybe you love it. You won't know until you try!

However, I would say, that when I weight lift for 90 minutes, I give it my all, and I do not go for a run afterwards. There is no need to do so, and at that point I think you are risking injury (making an already fatigued body keep performing) and sickness (hard exercise can temporarily render the immune system vulnerable, that's why you rest afterwards). Save the run for tomorrow.


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