GS Legs vs. L&G and PLB...


Can someone please compare/contrast these 3 workouts? I have L&G and PLB (love them), but am considering getting GS Legs for a different challenge. Is it too much like the other 2 or totally different?

Not sure if I can justify yet another purchase, but I am addicted! help!


Keep smiling & sweating!
GS legs is nothing like PLB.. it's closer to L&G but different enough that you won't regret having all of them! i LVOE GS legs.. L&G used to be my favorite.. til i got GS!

both have standing work and floor work.. but they are different (the GS deadlifts are GREEEEEEEEEEEAT!)

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!
L&G is an endurance workout with lots of variety. Many ladies like it for the fun factor. I don't do it as often as I'd like because there is a lot of equipment involved, and my workout space is small. I do use the ankle weight segment often.

GS-Legs has a lot of endurance work, but it starts with heavy-weighted squats. You can also go higher in weight (but slower in pace) with the plies. I like it that there's a good balance of heavy/moderate and light weights in this workout. As desertbriez said, the hamstring work (deadlifts) will knock your socks off especially if you go heavy. I also love the floor work in GS-Legs, a bit different from PLB because of the bands.

Between L&G and GS-Legs, I like GS-Legs better.:)

OK. Thanks. Sounds like a combo of both? I am going to order it. I guess I was anyway, but wanted some validation...
I did L&G today - I still love it, but can't wait to try GS. I worry about the deadlifts though because they hurt my lower back when I go too heavy & the 1 leg lifts are esp. hard on my back. I don't know if I shoudl keep going to strenghten it because it's weak or if I am hurting it more?


Keep smiling & sweating!
you are going to LOVE GS legs! i just did it again this morning.. LOVE LOVE LOVE it!

not sure what to tell you about the deadlifts.. especially the ones on the step that you start down and pull up... i never feel deadlifts in my back though.. always a LOT in my hammies though!

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!
I can't wait to do the GS workouts again. GS Legs is an awesome lower body workout. Pinky said it perfectly!!! I hope you enjoy it!
P.S. All three of these workouts are must have's in my book.
>I worry about the deadlifts though because they hurt my lower
>back when I go too heavy & the 1 leg lifts are esp. hard on my
>back. I don't know if I shoudl keep going to strenghten it
>because it's weak or if I am hurting it more?

rose2boys, as Cathe says in GS-Legs, make sure you keep the natural curve of your back as you hinge from the hip. Keep your head neutral and your eyes looking front, not down at the floor. Also keep your hands very close to your thighs as you hinge downward. I find that if my hands leave the proximity of my thighs, my spine curves in a bad way and I feel pressure on the areas where scoliosis and osteoarthritis have developed. (Yep, I was introduced to these conditions in my 20's!) Keep the neutral spine, eyes looking front, and hands close to the thighs on your way back up.

I have two curves in my back, one on the upper part (the worse one), and one on the lower (milder but the vertebrae is a bit bigger than the others, bulging out a bit and quite scary to touch). When I first learned to do deadlifts, I practiced with a pair of 10's, just to get used to the move. The most that I do for deadlifts is 45, although I stick to 40 with GS, and I go down to 30, with the reverse deadlifts. I make up for this when doing floorwork. When doing L&G floorwork, I use 5-lb. ankle weights, and when using bands, I give my leg maximum tension.

Edit to add that if you're still hurting, rest your back first before exercising further. And if it's still hurting, consult a doctor. I ask my doctor to check my back regularly. In some visits, she actually found out that my muscles were spasming (sp?)! Heat and rest always help.

I have lower back problems and I find that the best thing is doing lots of superman exercises. I also do the deadlifts, but I'm very careful about how much weight I use.

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