GS Legs or Legs & Glutes?


I already have Butts & Guts and love it, but wanted to add another leg DVD in the mix. What do you like better GS Legs or Legs & Glutes? What's the difference?

Thanks for the help!
I like GS Legs better, it is a killer workout. I just did it this past week and had DOMS for a couple of days.
I think L&G is more of an endurance lower body workout, while GS Legs is a moderate rep/heavier weight workout--watch out though, it is loonnggg!:p By the time you get to the floorwork (which is great) you are tuckered out. Some of the premix's are really great on this workout as well.
Another vote for GS Legs. Like Tneah said, it's really LOOONG, but it hurts so good! }( You could even separate the standing work from the floor work if you want to split it into two workouts.
I prefer Legs & Glutes. I like the fact that it is only 51 minutes so I can usually do all the workout in one session. I also think this workout is very different the other Cathe leg workout I have. This workout doesn't use the barbell at all.
It is a workout that get your heart up very quickly though. And you move quickly from set to the next.

The other Cathe leg workouts I have are:
Pyramid Lower Body
Butt & Guts

With Butt & Guts and Gymstyle Legs, I normally only do the standing leg portion of the workouts because the workouts are so long.
While I enjoy and use both GS Legs and L&G, I think GS Legs is the most different from B&G and I would purchase GS Legs. You can go heavier with GS Legs, it has some KILLER lower body exercises as well as some awesome floor work to finish off the burn. I haven't checked out the premixes but I'm sure there are shorter premixes for days you are low on time. You can purchase L&G at another time, b/c I do think it's a worthy purchase. I would go for a heavier leg workout since you already own B&G.

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