GS Legs/March Rotation


I'm doing my very first Cathe rotation - March. I have never done GS Legs before and will be doing it first time in the 3rd week of her posted rotation. Question to those who have done it - the day after you're supposed to do 60 minutes of a favorite cardio - is this going to be possible after GS Legs? And, if so - to anyone out there who is also doing this rotation - which cardio are you doing that might be lower body friendly? Hope it's okay to post this here - wasn't sure.
Thank you in advance for any answers.
Hi Caren. I am sure that everyone has different answers to your question because everyone is different :) . I'll just tell you my experience. The first time that I did GS Legs (this was also the first time that I did a Cathe leg workout though) I had a 1 hr run scheduled for the next day. My hamstrings and calves were sore and my quads felt like jello!!! I tried to run, but really couldn't so I just walked as fast as I could for an hour. I am sure that everyone is different and probably if you have done Cathe leg workouts before you will be pretty okay. I just wouldn't pick Low Max as your cardio the next day. Good luck.

I agree with what Karin said. Everyone is different. I've been doing Gym Style legs weekly for months now. For me, I actually could do cardio the next day, but probably not the day after that. For some reason, I have delayed onset of DOMS with this workout. The next morning I think to myself, "wow, I'm not very sore at all." But by 36-48 hours after, I start feeling it. This is the only workout that does this to me. Not sure why.
Just pick something that's lighter on the legs; few power moves, etc. Personally, I'd pick something like Rhythmic Step or Step Fit. SF is great for a "day after" workout because it has such a nice long warm up and stretch segment.

Can anyone tell me how GS legs and glutes compares with the 3 sets of leg presses in muscle endurance. Those really wear me out cardiovascularily. I get through them fine but am breathing very hard!!
That's what I figured I'd try and do is RS - if I can. I am so curious to find out if I'll be able to. Once, without thinking clearly, I did Low Max and then LBP the next day. For a day or so I walked like John Wayne but I was able to do it with strength, so you never know.
I don't have the older cardio workouts - is Step Fit fun?

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