Okay, so I waited a while to do my GS Legs DVD, and did it for the first time last night. Oh, Dear God in Heaven!!!! I couldn't even complete all the exercises (but I gave my best effort), and first thing this morning, my DOMS was already setting in. It usually takes 24 hours for DOMS to really start setting in for me, so I knew I was in trouble when it had barely been 12 hours and I was already feeling it. My quads are screamin'! As are my "cheeks" (you know what cheeks I'm talking about). My calves aren't too happy with me, either, but being that my hubby massaged them for me last night, the DOMS isn't too bad in them, yet (THANK GOD! I don't think I could take anymore right now!).
One thing's for certain: I know EXACTLY what muscles I worked last night, and GS Legs will be in my weekly rotation for a while. }( :7
One thing's for certain: I know EXACTLY what muscles I worked last night, and GS Legs will be in my weekly rotation for a while. }( :7