GS after STS - ouch!


I just tried the GS workouts after finishing Meso 3. I was so impressed with my strength gains - I thought for sure they would carry over to the Gym styles. No way....I was dying through the push-ups and the chest work - arms burning through everything else. I was shocked at how little rest there is in between sets in GS after the lovely rest periods in Meso 3. GS really felt like an endurance workout - yet another shock to the body - but a good thing I guess. Has anyone else tried the other series after finishing STS with a similar experience? It seems that my endurance has waned while my strength has increased?
I had a very similar experience. The count on GS is SO SLOW with no rests in between. I was sad that I didn't make any improvements in weight but it's jsut a different kind of workout.
Yup, your not the only one. The workout I've done after STS was PUB, PLB, Muscle Endurance, and Muscle Max. I was just shock how my endurance just was not there. I guess it's because we haven't done endurance type of workout in a while. That is my only thought.
Since I fnished STS, I've done a rotation of one body part per day with GS, 4DS and PS. With a little bit of extra time between sets (about 20-30 seconds) I was able to stay at about 80-85% of my 1RM. I have found that even when I don't take the extra rest, I can lift way heavier than I used to before STS. I did Muscle Max this week and was able to lift between 5-10 pounds heavier than Cathe, with no extra rests. That shocked me and made me really happy!
I am in my second rotation of STS. I am able to lift heavier on almost all of the exercises than I could in the first rotation. My endurance has actually improved in this rotation.

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