Grocery Shopping

Grocery Shopping

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I usually do the grocery shopping, if I don't then my eating plans will be sabotaged for 2 weeks!!!! YIKES!
I love my hubby dearly, but hate it when he walks in the door with sugar drinks. UGH!

I usually do the grocery shopping alone or with my daughter. But I really like it when my SO comes because he's a chef and he gets all inspired in the produce section and ends up making something delicious:)
I do all the meal planning, so I go with my son. He's the best little helper in the World! (plus he eats the veggies he picks out)
Susan C.M.
Nothing should be jiggling, unless it's jiggling off. - Cathe in HSC
My husband and I both do the shopping. Sometimes it is together and other times it is just one of us. Depends on how the kids are behaving that day.
At first I did it alone...then we were taking turns doing, we do it together. After the baby is born since I plan to stay home, I'm sure I will probably go back to doing the food shopping alone which is fine with me at that point...ofcourse, if he wants to come, I won't stop him!:)

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img][/url]
I do it, mostly because I'm a control freak. I send out my husband for a few things, and he comes back with a few wrong ones. Wrong brand, wrong size, wrong price range... Maybe he does that on purpose so he doesn't have to do it.}( To his credit, he does wash the dishes, take turns with the laundry, and does his fair share of parenting.

I usually take my son along. He's learning the concept of a budget and is becoming very accepting of the idea that we don't buy expensive stuff. This really helps when he wants a super-pricey toy.

I shop and enjoy it. When DH does it, he has to have a list or he will come back with a bag of random food that doesn't translate into a meal.
I do all the food shopping here . If I didnt it would be stuff Like Little Debbies . Oreos. Chips Ahoy . M&M's Oh The list goes on ! }( }( }( }(
If I let the DH do the shopping he'd bring home sweets, high fat meat and some more sweets! Plus he doesn't look for sales. I do all the shopping and that is fine with me and healthier for us both. :eek:
LOL, you're all killing me! I have to do the shopping rather than the SO, otherwise it's all candy and Cheez-Whiz. And I'm not making him a Cadbury Creme Egg omelet no matter how often he asks!
Oh, on the flip side of things, DH and I usually think alike with most stuff so if we are running low on something he will sometimes get the item and I will get the same one too so then we end up with extras. LOL

Definately ME!!! i can't begin to imagine what would happen if dh did it. very similar to what Pinky said.

hey Charlotte: how is your dh doing with Atkins btw?

Good question. Charlotte, how IS your DH doing with Atkins?

We take turns or go together. I swear he just doesn't pay attention. I give him a list for the maid that says "Mop and Glo, but Not For Wood Floors" and he comes back with Mop and Glo for wood floors because he didn't read past the first 3 words. x( I write "Fantastik with bleach" and he comes home with Fantastik with no bleach. I kid you not. x( x( x( How much of his brain is required to read the words on the list that I've purposely taken the time to write because I know how clueless he is????

I swear they do bad at at the shopping so they don't have to do it regularly! When he does go I give him a list and he comes home with all the wrong things and spends twice as much. If it were up to him we'd eat out every night. In the long run though, since I'm the one who is most concerned about what we eat it's not that big of a deal that I have to do the shopping.
Wow, I've had totally the opposite experience--my bf took over all the shopping this last year (we used to do it together) and it's been fine. Took a few tries to get the hang of things, but it's been no problem since then. It's funny, too, since I was really reluctant to give up control of food shopping, but now I'm glad I don't have to drag to the store all the time.

Also, I grew up with my dad always doing all the grocery shopping. He's 86 now, so we're talking the 1950s when he started doing the shopping for my mom. He's a real pro at it, too--picks out the best fruits and veggies, and used to change his drive home from work every day to go to different stores that had lower prices on certain items.
I do most of the food shopping, even though the DH will come along most of the times. He'll read a mag while we shop. The only things he can buy on his own are milk, eggs and bread, and he sometimes even gets the wrong kind of bread.
Nancy and Jes- DH is not doing Atkins anymore. It lasted for one evening and that was it! I make mash potatoes or french fries and other stuff that is for our children since they are not watching what they eat and DH has been eating them too. Ugghh!! I don't know what is going on in that head of his. Frustrating.
Thanks for asking though.

"I swear they do bad at at the shopping so they don't have to do it regularly!"

I was thinking the same, but he denies it. Anyway, doing dumb stuff doesn't get him out of it. He just has to go back to the store, return the wrong stuff, and get the right stuff. (It's not that bad; the supermarket is across the street).

Men. Sigh.
I do the majority of the grocery shopping but DH will stop for items we run out of during the week. Just last night he stopped at Sam's Club and bought my 5 pound bag of veggies that I forgot the night before.

He's actually very good about knowing what to buy.

Edited to say DH was single until age 41 so he was pretty self sufficient when I married him.

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