Grocery Shopping

Grocery Shopping

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Can I just say I hate grocery shopping. Alone, together, or otherwise. Usually my dh wants to go, so we all pile in the car, and grocery shop. It's a nightmare. Every time I do it, I ask myself "Why am I torturing myself? Why am I grocery shopping with my kids and husband?"

It really is torture. :) There are a million people in there, my 2 year old is trying to get out of the buggy, and my husband is asking me if I am done now. I want to rip his head off and tell him he is the one that wanted to come. I feel the anxiety coming, and to top it all off, the checkout is a real treat. Kids whining, and writhing about, and husband standing there like a complete doofus. It's insanity!!!

I think the font is different because you have a check mark in the box next to: Check here if you want to format your message in plain text. Use for posting code snipets. When you post, look right over the subject line and if there's a check in that box, remove it. :)
Yeah, I noticed the font difference too...whatever!

Lori- back in the days, it use to be the same way when we all went grocery shopping. Maddening, I swear! People staring and I just wanted to rip out their eyes!! Children will be children!
I still hate it when people stare whether it is just me trying to run someone down with my cart (people who just stand idle and in the middle of the isle and looking like they are slow and lost) or looking in my cart and checking out what I buy. LOL. Once, this woman looked into DH's cart when he shopped once by himself and told him that the bread was green. He didn't notice. LOL! DH is usually in a super hurry when he shops and doesn't care if what he buys is on sale or not, he just wants to escape the grocery store as soon as possible. To me, it is more of a deep thinking process...labels, sales, etc.

Toasty, that is funny! Green bread. That is something my husband would do. My older child is an angel, you can take him anywhere. Why on Earth I bring my baby is beyond me. Yeah people are rude with their staring. It's like they never saw a baby yelling before. :)

Also, why do people stand in the middle of the aisle? I am on a mission, get out of my way!!

A couple nights ago I went shopping by myself with a list, and still came home forgetting things. I think it's because I shop at Walmart Supercenter. It's stressful in there. Do I sound nuts? :)

I have to have a list for everything. What I do at home and when I shop. If it is not on some kind of a list then I will forget it. Speaking of which, I need to start making one. I am a list maniac!
I like to shop when the stores just open, but doesn't always workout that way as schedules can throw a rod into your plans.
I go to Wal Mart sometimes, but prefer Costco's.


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