Gritting Teeth, Counting Blessings


As I write this I'm in the throes of galloping PMS and Bad Attitude; I get this way every 3-4 cycles or so, and all I can see are the fly-specks and dog-doo of life. Therefore, in an effort to counterbalance the gallons of toxic hormonal raw sewage being pumped into my system right now, I must list and count my blessings:

1. Totally healthy; never spent one day in the hospital; fit, lean and strong, and my only chronic condition - alcoholism - has been effectively addressed for 14-1/2 years now;

2. Happy marriage to a great guy who spoils me rotten, works hard but obsessively, and is rather on the good-looking side to boot;

3. Great job that is engrossing, of value to the community but not consuming to the extent that I can't have a life away from it;

4. My parents and all of my siblings are still around, knotheads though they may be;

5. Great part-time job as a group fitness instructor, and an even greater gang of participants;

6. Wonderful circle of friends;

7. Spring is closer at hand than ever;

8. "Law And Order" is going to be produced through 2005;

9. The Cathe workouts and the Cathe Forums; and

10. I'm in America!

That helped a bit. Anyone want to contribute their blessing list?

Thanks for cyber-listening!

Annette the Hormonally Tortured
Hormones, shmormones, let's take back the night! Annette, I feel your pain and as my Aunt Flo is due to arrive you couldn't have posted this at a better time as far as I'm concerned. Way to go!

1. I'm in America <sound familiar Annette? that was just too good and true>
2. My boyfriend kisses me on the cheek while we sleep
3. I'm in grad school and my advisor is awesome
4. I have a handful of wonderful friends
5. Movies exist
6. Music exists
7. I can dance (not necessarily well but I CAN!!!!)
8. My parents are supportive
9. My mom makes me laugh my butt off
10. My grandparents are amazing
11. I got to sleep in today
12. I have enough space in my apartment to do exercise videos!!
Counting blessings is a great idea. Mine are fairly simple:

1. I'm healthy
2. I can walk & run
3. My mother, brother & sister are healthy & always there for me
4. My husband is supportive, loving and makes me laugh
5. I have a very good job
6. Not only do I live in america, but I live in california!! :)
7. I will always be challenged by cathe's videos

Yes, I'm feeling better already!


Great post Aquajock!

I'm so blessed to have a 5 year old boy that's alive and healthy. I can't imagine not being able to snuggle up with him at night. The Danielle Van Damm case has broke all of our hearts and has made me worry less about the small gripes I have with life (job, etc). As long as my boy is okay, I should be high as a kite.

Somebody remind me of this when I complain about my job or weight next month, okay?

RE: Reality check

Great thread....

Today's blessings:
Ditto to just about everything said already!

I am loved by those I love;
I have a great job that only occasionally drives me insane;
I have wonderful doctors who help me deal with the medical challenges I have in a positive, productive manner;
My medical challenges are not that big of a deal;
My humor has been winning out over my depression/negativity more often than not;
I am able to work out at the gym every day, even though it can be painful I CAN do it;
Those I love are safe and healthy;
I never feel alone in this life.
RE: Reality check

Great thread, really makes you take stock of what is and isn't important!

1. I woke up this morning healthy and able to exercise.
2. I have 2 beautiful, intelligent daughters.
3. I have a very loving and supportive husband who not only makes me laugh, he doesn't criticize anything I do! (now that's a blessing! :))
4. My parents don't have much longer, but I know this so I spend quality time with them making memories that will have to last me the rest of my life.
5. I learned to love myself enough to want to get fit and healthy.
6. I found Cathe and this forum! (big blessing! :))
7. I have cyber friends who understand me and reach out to me all the time. (that's you guys in case you weren't sure )
8. I can now buy my bras and undies from Victoria Secret! :)
9. I live in America! small town America, but America!

thanks Annette for the reality check!
RE: Reality check

My hormonal phase was LAST week so I am fine! Annette, you forgot one:
Clever lady, wonderful wit. Brings great laughter and joy to
Cathe-ites with insightful and funny thoughts on a regular basis!

If I had to count my blessings:

Came from great big family--a little crazy but all about unconditional love.

Three awesome kids.

One hunka burning love to call my husband.

Gave up addictions like alcohol and smokes for exercise and clean eating and don't miss any of those so called "fun" vices. Would miss my positive addictions!

Born in the USA.

Living in the moment, this moment, so many beautiful moments!

Brand new running shoes!

Bobbi Chick's Rule!
RE: Reality check

Oh this is such an awesome thread! In this day and age of media moroseness, where it seems EVERYTHING you see on the news is bad, badder and baddest, it is refreshing to read notes from such a great group of gals who want to revel in their blessings rather than wallow in their worries and misfortunes.
I am so blessed by many things;
My hubby, who is so great to me, who expresses his feelings, who tells me he loves me at least ten times a day and then SHOWS me how much he loves me in all kinds of ways...
My children; three of my own, three belong to hubby, but they all enhance and fill up my life with their diversity and interesting lives. Not to mention five grand kids, each of which are beautiful, healthy and happy.
My return to work that I love. My knee will never be the same, and it hurts a lot, but I am not in a wheelchair, nor am I paralyzed or incapable of movement. I work as a neonatal nurse, loving and caring for some of the sickest little babies you could ever imagine, but it fulfills me in so many ways. After being off from work for two years (while I tried to get my knee back to 'normal')I have come back to my work/career with better insight, more patience and a desire to be the best nurse and patient advocate I can.
I have a roof over my head, a car under my butt, clothes on my body and in my dresser drawers, food in the larder, money in my pocket for frivolous moments.
I have this wondrous computer that enables me to communicate with tremendously gifted and inspiring people like all of you here and Cathe herself.
I have BOTH a VCR and a DVD, which enables me to use every single Cathe video the way I want and when I want.
I have a Bally's membership that gives me a chance to crosstrain in different ways AND gives me a way to exercise together with my hubby, something very valuable to our partnership.
I am gifted in many ways; God gave me many gifts that I need to concentrate on using better, so that when I get to the Pearly Gates I can proudly say I benefited from my gifts and used them for the benefit of others.
I am grateful for my personal spirituality; it has taught me not to be so judgemental of others; to live and let live; to accept the world and its people for the immense diversity they represent and to recognize that any criticism I may have subjected others to was more the rsult of fear than of my supposed superiority.
Well...thats enough for now, but Lord knows, when I try to "Fall Asleep Counting My Blessings", I am awake for quite a long while...
Thanks for a terrific thread....
Lynn Finn

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