Grip giving out!


Does anyone else have this problem? My fingers give out holding the heavy dumbbells (especially on the leg workouts). I have really small hands (short fingers). Lifting gloves don't help--they actually make it worse because it makes for less space in the palm of my hand.

I don't have anything heavier than 30# dumbbells. I use the 10# weighted vest and 5# ankle weights on my wrists (in addition to dumbbells). I still don't reach my target weight on some exercises. The muscles I'm working can handle it, but my hands are dying! Subbing a barbell helps, but you can't do that for some exercises.

I had this same problem with CLX. I was hoping my grip would improve. Does it eventually? I'm only on week 2 of Meso 1.

I had this problem with deadlifts in STS. My bar started at a weight of close to 100 lbs and my hands could not hold the weight for the whole set.

I purchased lifting hooks and although they were a little awkward at first, I got used to them. I would have never been able to progress farther in STS without them. They are inexpensive. I think mine were about $15 - $20.

I purchased lifting hooks and although they were a little awkward at first, I got used to them. I would have never been able to progress farther in STS without them. They are inexpensive. I think mine were about $15 - $20.


Lifting hooks? That sounds like just the thing. I tried lifting straps, but returned them because they didn't help. Where did you find hooks?

I have that problem but mine is due to a bad index finger that isn't completely healed after 2 surgery's. I can't bend the finger without help.

Maybe I should try looking into lifting hooks.
My forearms cannot keep up with my legs either! I've invested in something a little different - called a versagripp. It came this week and I used it for the first time today, doing a 118 pound deadlift during Meso 1. Deadlifts have given me the most trouble because I can't shift weight to a vest the way I can with squats or lunges. While I can lift more weight than that, I can't safely do fifteen reps much over 100 pounds without risking dropping the barbell on our floor :eek: My grip was giving out at about five to seven reps.

Though this is the first day I've used the versagripp, I *really* liked it. I've never used hooks, so can't help you with a comparison - but the Amazon reviews were very positive. It felt safe: it's like a glove with a flap. You kind of curl the flap part around the bar and it shifts the weight further up the arm rather than having to put all your energy into the grip. Hard to explain, easy to use :) No trouble hitting fifteen reps today - at least when it came to grip :).

I'm looking forward to having this for Meso 3!
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Thanks so much you guys!!!!

Now I'm debating whether to spring for the versa grip or get the hooks.

More opinions welcome!

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