Great way to do HSTA


I thought I'd share something I did yesterday, 'cause I know there are people here who welcome a challenge :)

I went to the premix menu of High Step Training Advanced and did the first 4 premixes back to back:

1. warm up
2. all cardio blasts
3. cardio and lower body
4. cardio and upper body

The workout took about 85 minutes, and was intense all the way through. By time I was finished, I was drenched from head to toe.
Felt terrific!

Thanks for sharing this workout Sandra!!! It loooks great. I don't have HSTA yet, but it is next on the list. Maybe after I get my tax refund. Anyway, I am saving this to do whenever I get it.

Sandra, my hat is off to you, and my skull gleams for you.

I'm gonna have to print this one off and do it for President's Day!


I did this today and it was great! Thanks for the suggestion. I ended up using only one riser for the last 6 cardios, but I was still drenched and have had a great day since doing it this morning.


Wow! AquaJock, I have to admit that I'm very flattered to have the A-Jock Stamp of Approval on my mish mosh :)

Beth, Yay for you for giving it a go! It left me with a long after-glow, too. I love workouts like that.

Thanks for the comments, everyone.
WOW!! This one looks like a ton of fun! HSTA is one of my most favorites...did it this a.m. I can't wait to try the new twist you put on it!!!!
HSTA comes into my rotation in another week. I'll give this a go!
This IS a great way to do HSTA. I did it this morning and now about an hour later after a shower and lots of water I feel awesome. I will definitely do this one again. I found the lowerbody/cardio premix really had me puffing all the way through. The upperbody/cardio was ALMOST like a break from all of the high heart rate lower body work. FUN and INTENSE!}( Who could ask for anything more?:)

Take Care

I, too, did this one tonight - I must say it was awesome - for I love cardio and weight training intermixed - but sometimes more cardio than some other circuit training gives. I think this was a perfect balance of the two.

I was totally drenched and felt happy and refreshed once I got out of the shower. I will definitely keep this in for a rotation!


Well, call me Tickled Pink that you guys gave it a go! And that you all found it as challenging as I did!

Laurie - I felt the same way during the cardio/lower body part! I was seriously wondering whether I could go through the cardio a third time! But the upper body segments did give the lower body a bit of a break, which helped. I really felt this workout in my hamstrings/glutes and in my hip flexors. I think doing those straddle-taps three times on the 8" step really toasts the hip flexors.


I too gave it a go this weekend! Killer workout - loved it. I admit I did use the pause button a time or 2 between the cardio and LB sections to catch my breath. Thanks for suggesting it.

I did HSC yesterday and ended up taking an unscheduled rest day today so I may give this a whirl tomorrow!
Lazy question here (since I could watch a premix and then see what happens) -- will the premixes continue one after the other, or do you have to start up each premix separately?
Writer - you have to start up each premix separately; however, at the end of each premix the DVD automatically goes back to the main premix menu, so it's a quick select with the remote and you're off again. Use it as your water break.

Thanks! I watched the preview and it looks great! So this is a circuit workout. How many days a week do you do circuit? I am finding I have many of them, ie. BC, SP&J, video of Cardio & Weights. If I added this one, how many days should I be doing this type? I love the combo of weight and cardio but don't know what will be too much, or do I listen to what my body says?

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