Got weighed at the dr's office


I don't own a scale at home so I got weighed at my Dr's appointment and I have lost 10 pounds since the last time I checked my weight! I'm very happy about this! I have been working out consistently since July and feel like working out is finally paying off! WooHoo. I am looking forward to Pure Strength tonight my chest shoulder and tri workout!


Good for you! Keep up that hard work! My problem is that my scale at home reads 5 lbs lower than the one at my Dr.'s office. I just assume theirs is wrong and go happily about my business.

Great going Beth, and there's nothing like seeing the scale go down to make a workout extra happy! :) Especially the scale at the doctor's office! :)

Congrats on the weightloss.It is always nice when you see that all the hard work as paid off.Keep up the good work.

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