<--got to be startin' something..


<--dances in, singing HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! to Catherine!
<--hopes she has a great B-day!
<--wishes everyone a good day and is so GIF!!!
<--wonders what everyone's up to this weekend.
<--knows it's going to be another hot one in Richmond, VA, but is looking forward to it!
<--is off to work and will check youse guys later!:)
<---waves to TeTe and does the Friday dance
<---says that she is going to a summer festival at the local lake tomorrow with her sister's family
<---plans to do anything but eat cleanly
<---adds that there is going to be a reptile display/show there, so she's looking forward to seeing what they have
<---says aside from that, weather permitting, she plans to float in her pool and do NOTHING ;)
<---is looking forward to a short work week next week too! :)
<---Happy Birthday Catherine!!! :D
<---thinks Liann has a very cool weekend planned.
<---hopes TeTe enjoys the heat and has a good day at work.
<---wonders what TeTe is up to this weekend.
<---is starting the weekend early and is waiting for her hiking buds to pick her up.
<---wishes happy Friday to the rest of the gang!
<--sprints in to say good morning to TeTe, Liann, Gayle and all who follow
<--wishes all a speedy workday so they can enjoy the weekend sooner :)
<--thinks the festival sounds like a good weekend plan, including the reptiles
<--is happily hiding from the thunderstoms outside
<--enjoying camping out on the sofa so far this morning watching tennis :D
<--is also practicing tennis skills by sprinting to the computer on occasion for good measure
<--could really get used to this day off idea ;)
<--is looking forward to another with the holiday next week as well
<--waves so long for now, enjoy the day everyone
<--sprints back to the tv :cool:

<--rolls in after a dentist appointment
<--thanks everyone for the birthday wishes
<--is with TeTe on GIF!!
<--wonders how Liann's mom is?
<--wonders what TeTe will be doing in the heat this weekend
<--hopes Gayle has a good hike
<--LOL at Mary's sprinting
<--needs to get moving!
<---tells Cat that she went and saw her last night and washed her hair for her
<---says her poor right hand is all swollen and she is in a cast up past her elbow
<---adds that she has a pretty nasty mark on her shoulder and her right ear is all bruised from hitting it when she hit her head on the rock
<---thinks she is getting around pretty good though for a woman in her upper 60's who just wiped out on a bunch of boulders a few days ago! ;)
<---says she even had dinner made for <--- when she got there
<---thanks Cat for asking!
<---waves hi to Mary & Gayle!
<--- waves Hi to ^^^ and everyone after
<--- would love join TeTe in her dance but <--- has two left feet
<--- wishes Catherine a wonderful Birthday anyway
<--- is glad to hear Liann's Mom is doing better
<--- hopes Mary has a great day off
<--- says happy trails to Gayle
<--Hopes she has a smashing day
<--Is super duper glad it's FRIDAY!!!!
<--will be going shopping with mom, sis, nieces and lil Charlie today whilst DH and Henry hang out and Oliver is at daycamp.
<--Hopes to go to the farmer's market and/or berry picking tomorow
<--would rather be going to Liann's super cool summer festival, though!!
<--Agrees that Liann is a good daughter to help her mom! (Glad she's better!!)
<--Waves hi to dawn and begins humming, "They say it's your bithday...." by the beattles in honor of dear Catherine (and because it beats the heck out of sign sign everywhere a sign!!! :p)
<--Hopes Mary has a wonderful vacation day!
<--Hopes Gayle has fun hiking!!
<--Hopes TeTe has a wonderful day off too!!
<--Has already done her CLX today (which is rare for <--, who typically is a night-time exerciser).
<-- Is sore and shall be doin the granny walk today. :confused:
<--Hopes everyone has a wonderful, fantabulous day!!! :)
<---doesn't have time to chat
<---is going canoeing as soon as everything is packed
<---hopes to be back later for personals...
<--- gives Steph and quick masage so she can start walking normal
<--- wonders how Steph likes CLX and how far she is into it
<--- is totally jealous of Robin
<--- sucks it up and tells Robin to enjoy it while <--- is stuck at work :p
<--- realizes <--- will get a chance to have fun next week :cool:
<--- hopes its not too hot or rainy for the outdoor wedding tomorrow :(
<--wants to go canoeing with Robin
<--is sorry Dawn is at work today :(
<--LOL at Stephanie doing the granny walk :D
<--thanks everyone again for the b-day wishes
<--did Lauren Brooks KB w/o this morning (modified a bit)
<--is the first kb w/o <--has done in months
<--had fun :)
<--side shuffles back in to catch up :)
<--sends Liann's mom some healing vibes
<--thinks Dawn should dance anyway despite having 2 left feet ;)
<--suggests Stephanie buy herself a really good present while shopping
<--wishes Robin fun on her cool canoeing adventure
<--is glad Cat is enjoying her birthday and congrats on the return to kb :cool:
<--decides to continue tennis watching due to deluge of rain outside
<--side shuffles back out....later peeps! :D


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