Got my new tapes!!!!


Hi! I finally got my new tapes today!I raced home from work to try them out! I started w Cardio and Weights. I loved it! Very fun workout-moves very fast! I loved the ab work. I could really feel it! Tomorrow I think I will try Imax 2!
Go Joanna

Just jealous Jillybean stopping in to say congrats on getting your fun new workouts! Did you like the music and choreography? Would you say the moves are as fast as Body Max? Which body part/section was the toughest? Thanks!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-07-03 AT 10:48PM (Est)[/font][p]Got mine today too. Did PUB and PLB. Outstanding!

I have to say it again. As fabulous as Cathe looks, you have to look at Jai. Her body is stunning. She has a 6-pack like I've never seen on a woman, plus she's just beautiful. I'm jealous.
Congratulations! Me, too! But I just did PH today, so I should probably wait until Thursday to do PUB. Rats!
Jai is beautiful. Look at those quads!?! Cathe amazes me too. A baby 6 months ago and she isn't as tan as Jai so the definition doesn't show up as much. You know who inspires me? You, K60. I always marvel at your posts. You're the one that has gotten me the closest to cutting out flour and sugar (I haven't done it yet, because it's like a safety blanket) but I printed out some of your posts months ago and read them for motivation. Just thought I'd tell you that. And you did PUB and PLB in one day. You go girl!
Congrats on your new purchases! I'm confused wutherhi - did you order the new series and Power Hour! Do you know how crazy some people might think we are - anxioulsy waiting the chance to do tough workouts!?! Bring it on!!!
You'll do it when you're ready. I had many fits and starts before I finally quit screwing around and bit the bullet.

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