Good substitute for CTX Upper Body...


I need a substitute for CTX upper body? Any suggestions.......I hear PH or ME?? I have the entire Intensity Series, PH/MIS/BM, KM, HSTA, and S&H and I just bought Circuit Max, and oodles of The Firm and the Bar Method as well. Is there a good mix I could use??

I plan on ordering the CTX series, just don't have any $$ right now:(
I recently started using the pyramids and really like them. PUB is closer to CTX I think, but you could probably use the upper body exercises from any of the total body wo you mentioned. The upper body portion of BM would probably be best.

Hi, CTX upper body is a fantastic endurance weight workout. You can substitute this workout using another endurance workouts: ME or PH are perfect substitutions .

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :) :)
If I were to recommend a substitute for CTX Upper Body Split, I would have to recommend the GS Chest & Tris + GS Back, Bis, and Shoulders DVD's. Oh, dear goodness! I used to do the Pyramid Upper Body workout, but ever since the Hard Core series came out and I tried these two DVD's, I've stopped doing PUB. You can do the premixes on each DVD, which are shorter, to get a wonderful all-over upper body workout, or if you are feeling like focusing more on one or the other, just pop in that one DVD for your daily workout.

However, if you only want one workout, go with PUB. It's all I ever used to do before GS came along.

For the record: I don't like CTX Upper Body Split. The reps are too fast and too uncontrolled. I like lifting more weight, which I can't do with the CTX workout because of the fast counts. I'm also a huge fan of negative resistance, which takes more control and muscle action. CTX doesn't give me that.
MIS upper body could be substituted as the rep range is similar and it works one body part before moving onto the next.

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