Good News/Bad News


Irene Liu
Chesterfield, MO
[email protected]

The Good News: I finally got my sedentary friend to walk with me two mornings a week!

The Bad News: He can't walk very far or very fast, so I'm not getting a good workout.

What can I do to challenge myself (get my heart rate up) during these walks? Would carrying light hand weights help? I say "light" because I have ulnar nerve damage in both arms and need to take it easy with weights.

Can you do your own cardio walk first and have your walk with him be your cooldown? Or conversely, use your time together as a warmup and then tack on your walking workout after?

Irene Liu
Chesterfield, MO
[email protected]

Thanks for your suggestion Allison. Unfortunately I have a time contraint. I'm spending a little over an hour with my friend (including the drive time to his house and stretching before and after our walk). I'd like to find a way to get the most out of this 30 minute walk.

Thanks again.
Do you have a child you could push in a stoller? I used to put a couple of 15 pound db's under my son's stoller and go for walks. That really raised my heartrate!

Susan C.M.
Nothing should be jiggling, unless it's jiggling off. - Cathe in HSC
Great job inspiring your friend. Have you thought about walking with a weighted backpack or vest to challenge yourself without any stress to your arms? Would he be willing and able to ride a bike? Biking is an easy impact exercise for someone who is out of shape. You could ride, roller blade or jog along with him.

Hi Irene,

Instead of carrying weights, you could buy a weighted vest. Or carry some weights in a backpack. That way you won't put any pressure on the nerves in your arms. I used to go hiking with a weighted vest and it really gets the heart pumping!

It's very nice of you to help your friend get some exercise.
Did you try Sprint 8? It's like an interval training. Run or walk very fast abount 70 yards, then slow walk about 1.5 to 2 min to cool down. Then do it again.

Irene Liu
Chesterfield, MO
[email protected]

Thank you to everyone for all the suggestions. I may try the weighted vest. I can't do the stroller thing. My son is to old for that, but more importantly, I shouldn't push too much weight because of my elbow problem. I think I'd love Sprint 8, but my friend wouldn't be able to do it. I will definitely try it on my own.

Thanks again for all the support. This forum is great.

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