Cathe Friedrich
Hi Heather! You just had a full STS rotation followed by 8 weeks of more strength workouts. I think doing a month of muscle endurance will be a nice change for your body. Don't feel cornered into only doing the full body muscle endurance workouts. Yes, you can if you want, but you can also split it up and do upper body blast premixes along with lower body blast premixes. Or do Leaner Legs and Body Max 2 upper body weights at the end. Lots of endurance options for you. Changing your routine and having recovery time factored in is what will play a big role in your endurance phases progress. Good Luck!
Hi Cathe. My question is about switching back to some of the muscle endurance workouts. After STS I wanted to continue with the strength and muscle building (building on my gains from STS). I am about to be finished with an 8 week rotation where I used S&H, GS, PS, and discs from Meso 2. I was basically doing 1-2 muscle groups at a time, really focusing on the muscle and increasing my weights. I think I would like to go back to some of the muscle endurance workouts for a month. Would you recommend doing these twice a week or try ting to continue going heavier and only doing once a week? Not sure if I should attempt to separate the exercises out by muscle group and double up (for example, just do chest from PH twice) or do full body. I guess there are so many options I never thought of!