I did it! Here's the race report I posted over in the Cheetah thread if anyone is interested!
The race went well. What an amazing sense of accomplishment I feel right now. Those who've done it know what I mean. Those who haven't need to give it a shot! I came in faster then I thought I would! The official results/pics aren't up yet but DH was VIDEO TAPING it (YIKES!) and I appeared to have come in at 2 hours 30 min and 27 secs!!! I really thought I'd be closer to 2:45! Needless to say I was VERY pleased with my time!
The first 10 miles of the race went very very well. I was keeping an average of a 10:30 pace through the entire first half and lots of the way through the 10 mile mark. My legs were obviously sore by mile 10 but it was very tolerable and beyond that I felt fine. I was still able to kick out the 10:30 pace so I knew I was okay. After that I started to fade. Mile 11 was where it started to get tough cause I started noticing the first signs of my leg cramping up. YEOWCH!!!
Into the final mile I was in ALOT of pain. I have never felt anything like it. My legs were soooo sore and the cramping was making it almost unbearable. I kept pushing though. I took only one single unscheduled (additional) minute walking break in the last mile or so to help ease out a cramp that would have stopped me in my tracks if I let it take hold. By this time though it seemed as if, overall, walking hurt MORE then running! I found it odd but used it as motivation to continue to run when that minute "break" was up. By the last mile I was lucky to be doing a 12 minute mile most of the time. I was so afraid that my legs were gonna give out and I was gonna down before I finished. I couldn't let that happen! I went as slow as I had to (but still running) in order to make it across that finish line. I REFUSED to walk across it!
When it was over I wanted to cry. It was emotional to finish something so awesome but more so it was the pain in my lower body. They had been giving out gatorade at the finish but ran out so while I kept moving to try and walk it off or atleast avoid it getting worse, DH went and got me a bottle of gatorade. I am not a fan of the stuff but I never drank that stuff so fast in my life!!!! It took about 15 minutes once I started drinking it for the real pain to subside and I was left with the regular and expected soreness in my hips/legs.