Good Hi/Lo Vids?


Hi, guys! I know this subject's probably been done to death but I'm too lazy to scan previous threads . . .

Are there any good non-Cathe hi/lo workout vids that are comparable to MIC and the hi/lo segments in Circuit Max, 10-10-10, and the first segment of Power Circuit?

I really like how MIC starts to fly after the first 15 minutes or so, with all those vertical jumps, high-long-leg kicks etc., but it's always over way too soon! I also absolutely love the hi/lo segments of Circuit Max; it too is over way too soon.

Any suggestions?

Annette Q. Aquajock
Cathe Monogamist But Semi-Willing To Roam
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-22-02 AT 10:46AM (Est)[/font][p]Annette

I would recommend Karen Voights Power Packed workout I found this a tough workout so tough I couldn't do it I only did the ab work at the end. Further to AndreaL comments below I have edited this is should have been Energy Sprint. Only KV new tapes are on DVD.

Actually you probably have or know about these so ignore my reply if you do.

I want to clarify that Karen's Great Weighted Workout is weights only, no hi/lo. I don't have Power Packed so don't know about it.

The closest thing I can think of is Mindy Mylrea's Extreme Intervals with Pump Party. It's CIA 2101. The only problem is that the Extreme Intervals is only half hi/lo. Check the video reviews at VF. If you would like to check it out, but not spend the money I'll loan you mine for a few weeks so you can play with it. It doesn't come on DVD as far as I know.

Let me know.

Another good one is Christi Taylor's Hi-Lo Heaven. It probably does not quite reach the exact intensity of MIC on the Richter scale :D, but as with all hi-lo you can put a little more into it and raise the intensity. There's plenty of high impact so you can just jump higher to raise the intensity.

The music's great!! It's in 3 twenty-four-(thereabouts) minute segments. The first 2 sections are hi-lo, and the third is a circuit workout with compound strength moves. It's worth having in my opinion.
I will second the Christi and Frannie suggestions, except Frannie's cuing needs some work. She rockets out of the starting block a little too soon, also, and her warm-ups are not really warm-ups, IMO.

I tried Charlene Prickett's Start Your Engines last week, and although it's low impact and basic, I really enjoyed doing it. It lets you put your brain in neutral yet still get a very good workout without that half-dead-I-feel-like-I just-ran-the-Boston-Marathon feeling.

For what it's worth.

Just Do It! :)
In my experience, Mindy Mylrea is challenging. I've done Strength Express, Interval Express, Energy Action Circuit for hi/lo. Energy Action circuit is a circuit workout with cardio circuits and compound strength exercise circuits using a body bar. Strength Express has about 25 min of aerobics with toning using med ball to start (really challenging work) then balance/strength work with body bar and paper plates (sliding leg exercises and sliding push ups) and some tough core work with the med ball. Interval Express is a step workout with intervals where you pick up the med ball. If you haven't tried Mindy, Annette, you definitely ought to give her a try; she's innovative and she is advanced (although I'm not sure if she's advanced enough for you ;-) I know you are an amazon woman ).

Another tape I would suggest to you is Karen Voight's Great Weighted Workout. This is more of an 'aerobic with weights' workout-you're holding dumbbells the entire time, and it is a killer. It's not exactly what you asked for, but it is tough tough tough. I fear this tape. It's about 70 minutes with the last 1/2 hour all lower body floor exercises designed to make the user swear their head off.

Hope this helps you,
Knowing your love for intervals and tough workouts, I'd look into Mindy Mylrea's hi/lo stuff. She's tough and also makes me laugh!

I'll second Karen Voight's Power Packed Workout, that one is a killer. A wee bit dated, but still high intensity and fun. I used to do that 5 days a week back when I was 22, it would kill my joints now!
Another vote for Mindy's Extreme Intervals. Her cueing is hard to follow, but her workouts are intense and fun. I like the step and hi/lo in this workout a lot. I haven't done Action Packed in a while, but that also has hi/lo. That workout has more choreography, though.
Franny Benedetto's CIA 9905 has an athletic full-length hi/lo workout and so does Greg Twombly's CIA 9803.
I really recommend Mindy, though! She's very chatty, which I personally don't like, but I love her workouts.
I really enjoy Karen Voight's Power Packed Workout as an alternative to stepping.

I've done it about 10 times, and still find it challenging and fun enough (although the music doesn't suit my tastes - Cathe's is MUCH better).
She does a couple of weird arm movements that I can't seem to pick up - but all & all - it's a great cardio workout :)

RE: Thanks for the suggestions!

Thank you all for your input! I may shelve the search for good hi/lo until I work THE INTENSITY SERIES into the mix again, but the suggestions about Mindy Mylrea look good. Actually, I have done the Karen Voight Energy Sprint workout, and in all honesty after having cut my teeth on Interval Max, Energy Sprint doesn't even make me break a sweat.

Thanks again!

Annette Q. Aquajock
RE: Thanks for the suggestions!


But I think you would definitely more than break a sweat with Voight's Power packed workout. (From what I read of you on these forums, I believe it is right up your street, more intense I think than Mindy). The woman is like a piece of elastic, a total rubber ball, she ricochets off the walls in this video. It's not at all the same style or intensity as Energy Sprint. There's no "lo" in it as far as I can see. It would be the perfect prelude to the personalized weights work and 50, 000, 000 push ups you perform on a nightly basis!!!

Try it!

If you want to borrow my copy (I am not into hi-lo right now), let me know. (Video only, not DVD)

RE: Thanks for the suggestions!

You can really tell in your posts that you get many aqua workouts!!!! My posts are like, " Does anyone know how I can AVOID the Hi/Lo in MIC..blah blah...". I just laugh ( coming from a chronic shin splinter) at your enthusiasm for crazy impact. Then I think, well, if I was doing land workouts 2-3 times per week I would probably be much more enthusiastic as well!!LOL. Maybe I will live vicariously through you!!!:)

Forever IMAXing,

RE: Janice: ~~~ aqua calls ~~~

We're just gonna have to bring you over to the dark side, and get you into the pool!

I love having aqua as an integral part of my weekly workout routine - the cross-training for the muscles is unbelievable, and the water environment is such a looking-glass-world difference from the land environment that body AND soul are continually kept interested. Plus, as you've noted, it makes impact-oriented land workouts much more enjoyable; I look forward to them much more.

In fact, this past Sunday I was an idiot on some of my barbell squats, lunges and standing back rows and pulled my quadratus lumborum in the right side of my back, and it's still barking at me; our beloved Maribeth coached me to stay off of land workouts and weight work until at least the weekend, so I'm headed off to the pool again tonight (taught a great class last night, if I do say so myself) for some more pool work.

Any time you'd like to learn how to do aqua the right way, lemme know!

Annette Q. Aquajock

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