"Good" balsamic vinegar


They say on food tv not to buy it in a grocery store(instead in a more specialty store type, like Williams Sonoma??), that they are not "true" balsamic vinegar, that "real" vinegar is aged. There are SO many different kinds and I just want to buy a medium priced(as you can REALLY spend a lot of $$)or best bang for the buck "basic" balsamic vinegar.

I have wanted to try some recipes that call for balsamic vinegar, the one for tonite is pork chops w/garlic and balsamic vinegar(I'll try anything once!lol)

What advice do you have?


Formerly known as Luv2run

Thank you SO much!!
I just got off the phone from a "gourmet" store who said "they're all the same" to which I said, "so an aged balsamic vinegar is the same as a 5 dollar one" to which he said, "yes"--SCARY!!!!!

You can bet I won't be doing any shopping there!!

I learn something new every day:)


Mary -

I do a fair amount of cooking (and reading about cooking!) I have 2 kinds of balsamic vinegar on hand at all times. One is a "real" aged balsamic, at a cost of ~$20. I use it only for dipping, salads, etc.

I cook with Whole Foods 365 brand. Its a fabulous "grocery store" balsamic - one of the best values around, IMO. I've had really good luck with all of the Whole Foods 365 line. Do you have a Whole Foods nearby?

I'm new to S. Florida so unless someone else from the Palm Beach area of Florida can answer that, nope, we don't have one.

I went to Williams Sonoma and they helped me-the employee happened to be from Oregon, and for such a an eclectic place I could find what I needed back in N. Florida better than I can in S. Florida--go figure.

She said there is an italian grocery store, but wasn't sure where it was.

Anyone from my area to help me out?? I'm in Wellington.

I really appreciate the help, I'm new to the balsamic vinegar side of cooking:)

Formerly known as Luv2run(changed to Spinnergirl post Cathe trip-if you stayed at our hotel, you know about the original "Spinner girl"--lol--that's a story all in itself--lol)

I don't know if you have access to Costco Warehouse but they carry a wonderful aged balsamic and it doesn make a huge difference. It's sweeter and thicker and just all around yummier than many others I have tried, even Trader Joes and definitely the supermarket brands that I use for most other types of vingear

Yep, I sure do have a Costco that's not to far from where I work.
Do they have more than one kind??(just want to make sure I get the one you're talking about)


It's the Kirkland brand in a very large bottle, of course. It's very thick compared to the store brands and very good. :) It makes a huge difference in the flavor of various recipes and my daughter lives for my pasta salad!
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Tell me, what it is you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver

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