Good anti-aging skin care



what are some good anti-aging (firming) and reversing skin care for eyes. I am wanting to prevent and lessen lines around my eyes and mouth ( the lines taht look like paranthesese from your nose to your mouth). They are noticible around my eyes and mouth when i smile. ( when i smile around my eyes are really bad, makes me look older , i am 24)
anything that has worked very well for this that anyone has tried would be great.
Dermalogica makes a great eye cream. I use Oil of Olay Total Effects and I have very, very teeny eye lines - I am 47. They are only noticeable when I smile or laugh.
Dr. Oz was on Oprah last week. He said you need something with Retin (vitamin A), vitamic C (ascorbic acid) and vitamin E (tocopherol) in the ingredients. The show recomended Alpha Hydrox and some other products. If you go to Oprah's site you'll probably still be able to find out the information that I am talking about.

I have been doing searches on moisturizers with these ingredients but haven't purchased anything yet.

I am also looking into this but haven't purchased anything yet.
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Yep, when I used Differin and Retin-A for my acne my skin looked so smooth. Now I can't use those products because we're trying to conceive, but I've used Alpha Hydrox 12% souffle for nearly 2 years and it's awesome for pores, fine lines, and acne too!
I've had good luck with Beauty without cruelty's alpha hydroxy lotion and their vitamin C one too.
He said you need something with Retin (vitamin A), vitamic C (ascorbic acid) and vitamin D (tocopherol) in the ingredients.
Did you really mean vitamin D (calciferol) or vitamin E (tocopherol)? E would make more since, as it's often used for skin.
SUNBLOCK every day!! That one thing will take 10 years off you when you're 50, trust me!!! Also, ditto to Retin-A :)
I use Renova. This is a prescription Retinoid that works by plumping up the collagen. At least that's what my dermatologist said. I've seen it mentioned in magazines like Prevention as a good way to go. It's about $125-$150 a tube, but that lasts a long time since you only use a pea-sized amount and I use it every other night since it can cause flaking.

I also use sunscreen on my face EVERY SINGLE DAY. No misses. That's a must.
I have recently discovered Elta MD at my cosmetic derm's office. Really phenomenal stuff. AND it costs less than Olay! :eek:

Agreed about the sunblock too. Take it from a 41 YO woman w/a 51 YO's skin. I wish I'd gotten that advice 20 years ago.
Another vote for Paula's choice. There are several prescription items she recommends also. I'm 53, but am fortunate to have good genes. I'm a fair redhead and have ALWAYS worn sunscreen because the results if I don't are just too painful. I don't have many wrinkles, but am starting to get a few slack areas(jawline, brows), so I'm thinking about finding a cosmetic derm. I've used Paula's choice ever since she started selling it. My pic is on my profile..for some reason it doesn't show on my posts:confused: I've followed directions, but must be doing something wrong.:eek:
Sirius skin Care HSN Serious Skin Care Super-Skin Anniversary Kit.
I love the exfoliate.and sunscreen every day.


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