Going to rehash an old topic....................


A while back there was a topic on weights and loose bowels. Or at least I think there was. Has anybody experienced this? I did weights on Monday, Wednesday and Friday of this week and on Wed. and today I had diarrehea after finishing. I drink 32 oz. of water while I am working out and have fruit/protein smoothie after I am done. I ended up in the bathroom after drinking the smoothie. I did not end up in the bathroom after my smoothie on the other 2 days in which I did cardio, nor on Monday after weights. Is there a correlation between doing weights and loose bowels? Or is this all in my head? PLease offer any advice that you can on this topic, I am not aware of any virus or anything that I ate that could give me the runs.

I hate to say it Callico, but I think it's all in your head. Maybe. Just kidding!!! I don't know. I've never had this kind of problem myself & I drink quite a bit of water when working out. I lift pretty heavy & often.

Loose bowels can happen for any number of reason. A virus isn't necessarily the reason. It could actually be a touch of food poisoning; which can occur in several different severities--minor diahrea to severe vomitting to death.

I would keep "track" of whether this occurs again & seek medical advice if it does.

Hope you feel ok!

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