GO GET 'EM, CATHY (runningteach)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

RE: GO GET 'EM, CATHY (runningteach)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

Good Luck, Cathy!

You will do GREAT!

I'll be doin' the good grade dance for ya!;)
RE: GO GET 'EM, CATHY (runningteach)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

You kill me Cathy!! You just go from one challenge to another, physical, mental, nothing's too tough for you!! I think it's (you're) awesome!! Good luck to you!

Take Care
RE: GO GET 'EM, CATHY (runningteach)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

I will be thinking of you all day, jumping up and down and sending kick arse vibes.
RE: GO GET 'EM, CATHY (runningteach)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

Cathy you will do GREAT! I have nothing but confidence in you!
RE: GO GET 'EM, CATHY (runningteach)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

http://www.deepbox.com/media/i/HnfBhxzHbhisffH.gif[/img] Cathy!!! You will be in my thoughts....:D
RE: GO GET 'EM, CATHY (runningteach)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

Adding my good luck cheers to all the rest!

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.
Cathy, who is obviously a rare genius because she consistently beats moi at Scrabulous, doesn't need much luck. But I'm sending her big GOOD LUCK vibes anyway, just for good measure. ;)

Good luck Cathy!! I'm sending major brainy vibes your way, although I'm quite sure you don't need them ;) :)
Cathy - I'm thinking of ya! My toes and fingers are crossed!! I agree with everyone - I have the utmost confidence in you! Your students are lucky to have you as a teacher!
RE: GO GET 'EM, CATHY (runningteach)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

Thanks so much for the support, everyone! You guys are incredible! :7 :7 :7

For anyone who might have been wondering what exactly National Boards are, it's a voluntary certification program which establishes standards of excellence for teachers. The process is a rigorous one, requiring teachers to construct a portfolio in which they analyze and reflect upon their teaching practices as well as student work. The other component is a computer-based assessment. It can take anywhere from 1-3 years to achieve certification.

In terms of today's exam, I really don't have a strong feeling one way or another about how I did. The assessment involved six 30-minute written responses, and I needed every second of the allotted time. In fact, on the last question, I ran out of time. The question I think I totally bombed asked me to analyze the oral and written response of a student who's an English language learner. As a teacher certified in secondary ed English, I have no background or experience in this whatsoever.

Anyway, today's scores will be combined with the score I receive on my portfolio, and the results will be released in November. It's a long wait, so I'll just put it out of my head til then.

Regardless of the outcome, the work has valuable and rewarding, so I feel a sense of accomplishment just having put myself through it.

Thanks again for the encouragement & support!

[font face="bradley hand itc" size=+2]~Cathy[/font]


"Do you want to feel my spatula?" Run, Fat Boy, Run

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