GMA Cathe/Susan Powter

>Maybe i am missing
>something, was cathe going to talk about her stuff or was the
>doctor going to talk about his book?.

Cathe was there at the invitation of her doctor, who was talking about his book. I'm actually not really sure what her role was supposed to be: to be an example of a 40-something in great shape but who has been surprised by injury?

Anyway i like susan and admire her for what she is doing.

I do too, on both counts. Sure, she's loud, she's a bit abrasive, but she's got the right info and she's enthusiastic about it. I'd take her over Richard Simmons or Denise Austin any day (but I think she caters more to the beginner/intermediate crowd).

>anyway did the doc looks like he was overweight? IMHO

At least under the chin! Shows that diet maybe has more to do with fitness than exercise (I assume he does the later?)
thank you.
well if she was not there to promote herself, why all the negatives things about susan.
may be the doc needs to start with susan and then move on to cathe.IMHO
You have to give her credit, from where she's been and where she is today. I agree, everything she had to say made sense, but what the heck is she ON?! She's pretty annoying - and then there's Cathe. She just sat there all quite and calm and only spoke when spoken to. I guess we are all the type of people who admire those who are more discrete in their delivery and walk the walk - like Cathe.
It's no wonder women are starving themselves and injecting themselves with Botox, particularly when other women are so critical and negative. Please, don't come to my house. I don't have muscle tone like Cathe and I am sure it is only a matter of time before I find some flab....
You must have never heard a Jersey "twang" before because Cathe sure doesn't have much of one, at least IMHO (and I have many relatives from New Jersey to chat with) :)

I was born and raised in North Jersey and lived there until I was 17. And, yes, I heard the Jersey twang in her voice. It tickled me to hear it. I found her voice and her manner very warm and endearing :).
I guess I just didn't hear it but maybe it is because I am around a wide range of accents in my line of work I fail to pick up on such things after a while (although phoney southern accepts stand out & irritate me). Anyway, cheers to the Jersey girls.
Jersey girls rock. ;-)

Cathe definitely does not have a north Jersey accent.

Although, I grew up & south Jersey & I swear I don't have an accent either, even though everyone here in north Jersey swear it's a "Pennsyltucky" accent. :p
No, she doesn't have a North Jersey accent, more of a South Jersey twang is what I call it. Living in Central Florida, which is a gateway to all kinds of accents, both National and International, I've learned to be pretty good at hearing and identifying the little nuances of regional accents.

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