GMA Cathe/Susan Powter

RE: Did anyone notice...

Susan has her place and followers.

But I got more Cathe DVDs delivered today!! And I will continue to do whatever Cathe tells me even though I say "she said do what, she's crazy...NO!!!" and then I proceed to do every last rep of whatever she throws at me.:7

BTW Cathe looked beautiful and stylish. I've only seen her in workout wear before this morninig.:7
RE: Did anyone notice...

>That guy seems to be a bit of a goober

i really don't watch abc unless its showing the local news. even then these broadcasters don't seem to have much of a personality as on the today show/wsls local news. even with katie gone the show still has a shine to it. abc is a bit dull to me, not sure but i really think it has to do with MY perception of the ppl on it.


"And do what thee wilt as long as ye harm none"
Cathe looked great, didn't she? I wish the camera trained more on her full face rather than a side shot, tho.

About Susan Powter's workout clip: I think she's promoting this "oxygenation" thing and focuses on that.
>Sorry kids but Susan Powter is cool and if she inspires
>people get change their lifestyles she's even cooler (and of
>course richer). I appreciate her postive energy. Her wacky
>hair (which I think looks cute) and spastic personality are
>part of getting noticed. Instead of looking at obese people
>with disdain or chastising them(as it appears a few posters on
>the board have been prone to do--I am pointing the finger at
>no one specific here. I've just noticed it here and there)
>she's encouraging them to get fit, albeit in a capitalist
>world as is Cathe. Everyone has got to start somewhere and
>for many larger people taking that first step they turn to
>Susan Powter or Richard Simmons or Gilad. Maybe with any luck
>they graduate to Cathe or whoever. Either way, it's not about
>a popularity contest. It's about our own journey to be being
>a better person, inside and out. BTW, I did think Cathe
>looked like a super stylin' GMA. :)

I thought Susan Powter was funny and fun and I enjoyed her segment. She is a little Richard Simmonsy and maybe will get someone who normally would not work out to get off their duff and do it. She has the history to back her words, that is for sure.

Cathe was very pretty, and her doc was typical ortho surgeon type. Glad she got to do this, now I hope she is back making videos!
OK..... so who the hell is susan powter? i've never heard of her before today!!!!!??????????????????

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!
OK..... so who the hell is susan powter? i've never heard of her before today!!!!!??????????????????

Eat Grapefruit....DON'T EAT GRAPEFRUIT!!!!!!!!!!! (in reference to the mixed kinds of messages we get about what the "right" way to eat)

Sorry, that is what comes to my mind. She did infomercials back around 94 or so, maybe earlier. Gotta eat, gotta breathe and gotta move. So she was a whole foods low fat and get some cardio work in kinda program gal.
I am so glad I got to see it this am. Man, I think Susan looks fantastic, and I am glad to see she has kept at it after all these years.

Cathe handled herself like the pro she is, and I thought she looked wonderful. How about that clip of her stepping? My only regret is that the clip they showed wasn't during a blast segment..or maybe cranking out some crazy 8's with a bicep close-up. Let Charlie ask about that! I caught that question he asked her as well, but it didn't seem to throw her at all.

ok.... i don't watch infomercials... guess that's why i don't know who she is!!!! lol!

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!
uhm..... ok..... so i went back and watched the susan powter segment... she is SOOOOOOOOOO annoyoing! people actually leave here on the tv when she comes on.... on an informercial? not me... i'd flip that channel QUICKLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!
I finally heard the Jersey twang in her voice. Seeing her in this setting actually made her more human to me. She was very engaging!
I don't know how old Susan is, but Cathe looks so much younger. I mean, Cathe doesn't look her age at all to begin with anyways. I just thought Susan's skin was alittle on the flabby looking side and the muscle tone is nothing like Cathe's. Don't get me wrong, Susan looks great, but Cathe blows her away by far, wouldn't ya say?

RE: Did anyone notice...

>I really don't want to put any negative spin on Cathe's GMA
>appearance, but did anyone else feel as if Charlie was a
>little, hhmm, how to say it.....snide to our beloved Cathe?
>Honestly, I didn't get to see it in full, just bits and pieces
>at first. So when I rewound it and really watched it, I was
>thinking, Back off our Girl, Charlie!! ("Shouldn't a fitness
>instructor know better?") I was very proud of Cathe's
>composure. He was just acting like she's a run of the mill
>instructor (even the way he said the word...aaahhhh!!!)
>I do NOT want to be the one to send a negative thread, it just
>really bothered me and I'm wondering if it was just me. I'm
>going to end this here, because the more I think of it, the
>more indignant I get on her behalf!!

I got that impression myself too. Doesn't matter though...we all know who she is!!!!!!! Unfortunately sometimes we don't always get the credit we deserve like some people think we just our lucky and have nice bodies and don't workout and eat whatever we want...if they only knew what we had to go thru, if only Charlie knew who he was really talking to...he would be scared!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

RE: Did anyone notice...

Thank You, Charlotte! I actually made my husband sit down with me and watch it to get his take. He agreed. But, as you said, he just didn't know who he was talking to, so the joke is on him.

I feel better now. Thanks!

I believe Susan is 48 or 49. She's several years older than Cathe. I think she looks fabulous. I also think Cathe looks fabulous. She and Cathe are just different.

Susan's trademark has always been high energy. If you noticed, she doesn't seem able to sit still....always moving. I for one love to watch her talk.

Cathe on the other hand is more controlled in her movements and more reserved in her outward communication. I also love to watch her.

They're just different. Nothing wrong with that.
Candi I think you bring up a great point, and maybe someone can educate me. Susan's metabolism seems to be off the charts - I've always thought that about her. You've seen those pictures of her at that really heavy weight. Many of us complain about a slow metabolism contributing to weight gain. Did she just have to make incredibly bad food (quality / quantity) choices to get that heavy given such an apparently high metabolism? She is an absolute whirlwind of energy and activity!


I don't know her whole history. I believe she was in an unhappy marriage and had two children (boys, I think). I remember her saying that she was in a deep depression after her husband left her for another woman and then she was hooked on booze. She has always said that she had to work like hell to get to her current state. She never has claimed as far as I know that a healthy lifestyle is easy. Although when you look at her workouts they appear much easier than Cathe.

Hey, I've got to respect someone who pulled herself up by her bootstraps coming from nothing to being a household name in the 1990's. She's smart as a fox as far as I'm concerned.

Here's a website I found that may help:
I think both women have their place in the fitness world, but what killed me throughout was how Charlie called Susan a "fitness guru" and Cathe a "personal trainer." That guy obviously doesn't have a clue about fitness, and his producers apparently aren't on top of things either. I mean, Susan hasn't produced a home workout in years & her following has probably dwindled to, I don't know, maybe 3 people.

Cathe on the other hand is constantly starting new, innovative projects that are imitated by "personal trainers" across the country (hey, maybe even worldwide). She has hardcore lunatics like us who are more groupies than followers, and also some (probably lots) of sane people who use her home workouts regularly.

So I was slightly pi$$ed that they made such a big deal out of Susan, whose workouts I wouldn't use if SHE paid ME, & didn't give Cathe the credit she deserves.

On a positive note, Cathe looked fabulous & spoke very well. She will always be my hero! :)

To be fair to Charlie, Susan markets herself and Cathe doesn't. In the 90's, Susan was in the mainstream of the evolution of home fitness and living a supposed healthy lifestyle. She's written books and appeared on TV sitcoms and had her own talk show.

Cathe probably didn't ask for any special credit and I'm sure Susan made sure she got the credit she thought she deserved.
hi, candi
I agree with everthing you had to say. Maybe i am missing something, was cathe going to talk about her stuff or was the doctor going to talk about his book?. Anyway i like susan and admire her for what she is doing.
this topic got me thinkig, how come when someone post something like "i just run a 5k, those who run marathons, 50k and 100k don't say, that is nothing compare to what i can do. i run marathons.
anyway did the doc looks like he was overweight? IMHO

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