Giving up


For those of you who "know" me I have been training for a half marathon. It is taking a huge pride-swallowing, but I'm quitting. I have been hurting in a bad way after all my runs (only 3/week). It has been miserably cold and windy. I don't look forward to my runs. I have been wanting to quit for about 3 weeks now, but had told so many people about it. I am disappointed in a way, and relieved in a way. We'll see how it goes.

Now I have time for all the Intensity DVD's...soon hopefully.

Maybe I'll get back into the shorter races come spring.

Hi Andrea,

I hope you don't look at it as quitting! More like, maybe it's just not the right time for you now. Like you said, you can strive for shorter races in the Spring, and since you were putting a pounding on yourself and hurting, you've made the right decision.
I once lurked on a runners forum and some of them scared me with tales of running in pain for the last 5 years and such! I thought to myself, "that can't be good! Running daily and in constant pain all for the sake of running?" To each his own, but I still think you did the right thing, your body/health comes first! :)

Fitness~It's a journey, not a race!

Don't feel like a quitter!! You can hop back on that bandwagon anytime!! Running can sometimes be painful and kudos for you for actually listening to your body and heading its warnings. I know SO MANY runners that never do that. Besides, I am sure that the Intensity Series will be awesome total body training for when you do start up the running again.

Are you stopping running totally for now, or will you still run fewer miles?? If you do not mind, can I ask what kind of pain you were experiencing and what your milegage/run was up to??

Don't be sad. You should stand tall and be proud simply because you can run!!!

Wow, thanks for the horror stories Donna! I mean that in a good way;-)

Janice, I am not going to run at all right now. If I do it will be a video on my treadmill if I get the itch. I have been missing my cardio vids and will have some fun.

At any mileage I get really tight calves. But, that was getting better. When I did 8 miles a few weeks ago my outer butt muscles (don't know what they are called), my hip flexors, and my calves got real sore. I could feel them while running. The bottom of my feet also hurt and I was running on dirt roads. Yesterday I set out to do 10 miles. I walked the last mile. My knees hurt mildly during the run. For the rest of the day and part of today they hurt every time I stand up or sit down. I also have the tight calves and 3 toes on my right foot hurt! So, 10 miles is as far as I have ever gone. I've done various races up to 6 miles that all felt good. I guess 6 miles is my limit. I'll also mention that I was doing 15/1 run/walk intervals to begin with. Yesterday I took it down to 6/1.

Sorry for the book!

Dh said tonight that he is disappointed for me, not in me. Just because he knew that I really wanted to do it. He thinks I was a bit crazy doing it, but was and has always been VERY supportive.

Andrea, I'm sorry that you are having so much pain, but you are one smart gal for listening to your body! And your husband is a good man! :)


I'm sorry, I know you trained smart. Your guy is a sweetheart - disappointed for you. I am glad that you listened to your body even though your heart was saying go.

Hi Andi!

Don't feel bad. You are not a quitter. You are being very smart. Anything that hurts, not to mention, is no longer fun, is not a good thing. Glad you listened to your body. We don't want you not being able to participate in all your other fun activities. (Spinning & Cathe vids!!!) Besides, you know once we all start talking about the "I" Series in a week or so, you'll be glad you can join in. Take care, get a lil' rest for those feet these next couple of days and keep us posed. MERRY CHRISTMAS all the way to Nevada!!!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Hi Andi!

Girl, you're not quitter, you're an inspiration. Thanks for your honesty, it'll help lots of us to be honest w/ourselves about what our bodies are trying to tell us..I had planned a brutal workout today..why? Mainly because of the feast I'll be attending tonite. Already worrying about working off what I haven't even eaten yet!

Problem is I'm really sore and having a little sciatic pain today..thanks to your post, I decided to be good to myself and just take a gentle walk and treat my body well and respectfully.

Thanks much and happy holidays to you all!
Have to say "ditto", "tritto" and "quadritto" to everyone else's comments. It's wonderful to have goals, and noteworthy to do something that pushes you to your limits, but IMHO nothing is worth the possible irrevocable injury you might sustain. This is the only body you'll ever have. You're smart to treat it well.

Annette Q. Aquajock
Good For You Mindi!

Like Donna says in another recent're not going to gain 20 pounds because of your feast tonight!

Glad I helped with you decision:)

Thanks all! I expected a few sympathy posts, but this strong agreeance (is that a word?) in my decision is really making me feel like I made the right one.

Happy Holidays!

I'm probably repeating a bunch of other posts, but I had to post as soon as I read your message. :)

You are NOT "giving up"!!! You are just recognizing that your body needs some rest in order to be fully functional. Don't feel like you've failed in some way, you haven't.

Our culture kinda teaches people if they don't complete everything they set out to do, that means they're quitters. That's really not true. Sometimes the time just isn't right or the circumstances aren't right.

I'm glad you were able to recognize the pain your body was in and to change that!!

Please don't think of it as quitting. Just last year, I was going to do my second bodybuilding competition and the diet and training were just too much at that point in my life. I ached all the time and I was tired and weak. I took up running instead over the summer and ran 2 races. However, I'm looking forward to trying another bodybuilding competition this year because I feel I'm fully recovered now from my first. Listen to you body, you can't go wrong. You were wise to put it off, it's tryig to tell you something. Races are run all year long, take your time and so will I and maybe we'll both prepare for our competitions together here in Cathe's forum:)!! That would be fun to compare the difference in training for the two:)!!


I actually thought of you cause I remembered how hard it was for you to not do the second competition. I knew at least one other person had made the same decision.

I racewalked all summer. I liked it but my knees and legs and hips really gave me a lot more trouble all summer too. I kept thinking if I pushed on I'd get past it but I didn't. Once I stopped in the fall and got back to step and a lot more yoga again I was fine right away.

Moral of the story, best not to push an activity that you never get over the aches and pains of it.


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