Give me strength!


I love Pure Strength and am wondering what to buy next. I really can't afford more than 45 mins. per evening for strength training. The Pure Strength workouts are the perfect length for me. I keep going back and forth about whether to get the DVD with MIS and PH or the S&H DVD. They are all too long, but I guess I can break them up, right? I have read that I can break MIS up into two or three workouts. Can I do the same for PH or S&H? Any recommendations? I've been obsessing about this decision now for many weeks! Thanks for any suggestions.
The PH/MIS/BOdy MAX DVD is great! And you can definitely break them up into smaller chunks. Just remember to do a warm up and cool down/stretch each time. I will frequently do PH through shoulders, then do arms later in the day or the next day, sandwiched in between the warm-up and workout of Cardio Kicks.

Slow and Heavy could be shortened by only doing 2 sets of each exercise, or even 1, if you go heavier.

Both DVDs are good, but the techniques are different. With slow and heavy, you get Cathe's slowest pace. With the MIS/PH DVD, you get a lighter endurance workout (PH) and a more moderate weight and speed workoug (MIS).

Guess that doesn't make the decision any easier, does it?
Kathryn, thanks for your input. Does anyone else have a response? I REALLY need your opinions here, folks!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-14-02 AT 06:51PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi Nancy,
Is buying both dvds an option?? Because if it is, all those exercises are fantastic! You can divide all of them so that they fit in your allowed time frame.
But if you want to gain more strength then S&H is it.
And if you want more endurance then MIS, bodymax and PH are it.

Am I helping yet?!:)
Yes, you can break up MIS into lower and upper body. You could also break up S&H into one body part a day (about 30 min). I don't know whether you could break up PH (somebody might want to chime in) just because the leg workout are broken up -- squats in the beginning and lunges in the middle.

Personally, I would go with PH+ DVD. S&H are for breaking plateuas. JMO.

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-15-02 AT 00:42AM (Est)[/font][p]Okay, I'm ready to buy the PH/MIS DVD. :-jumpy I guess the goal here would be to avoid working out any one muscle 2 days in a row. Can you guys give me a rotation for using PH 1x per wk. and MIS 2x per week, with MIS broken into 2 segments? Thanks!
MIS is easily broken up into upper and lower body "segments" I have done it that way in the past.
Both MIS and PH are on my list of favorites. Having them both provides nice variety. BUT, get to "know" them each on their own before doing the both in the same week.

Live by the golden rule: treat others as yourself :)
Well you may have already made your choice, but if it were me? I'd choose S&H over the others, since you already have PS. I think its unique to the other choices when you compare them to PS, and I think it offers more variety initially. I'd get S&H now and maybe add MIS later. JMO.

Could you explain what you mean by the following:

"I'd choose S&H over the others, since you already have PS. I think its unique to the other choices when you compare them to PS, and I think it offers more variety initially."

I'm not sure I understand. Thanks.
From a dollar and cents perspective, getting both dvds is an option. I'm just afraid of getting too many workouts at once and getting overwhelmed. I think Cathe workouts needs to be savored, slowly and gradually appreciated. I remember I used to wait excitedly for the NY Times Sunday crossword to come out each week and I would work on it all week long. Then my husband (then boyfriend) bought me a subscription to a crossword service where I would get packets of NY Times crosswords at a time, and guess what? I was overwhelmed, couldn't do them all, stopped doing any, and never went back to them again! I'm afraid if I get overwhelmed, I could lose interest. Therefore, I feel it's important that I get only one at a time. BUT WHICH ONE? I'M STILL OBSESSING! :-hmmm
Because S&H is training you in a different manner to achieve maximum strength than are both MIS and PS. MIS and PS are more similar in their training, (IMO anyway), to train one more for endurance. If you want to build strength, you can use S&SH and to enhance your endurance, MIS or PS.

So to me, having S&H and one of the others would make more sense than MIS and PS which are similar in their training style.
I totally understand your point about being overwhelmed with too many. See, here's the deal, S&H is a very different series, it is to be done usually for 3-4 wks, to break the plateau, to give strength, one has to concentrate on every count, and it pushes your strength above whatever your level is. So usually you go back to PS or PH or MIS, and you can lift even heavier weights throughout the workout.
PH and MIS, are very much alike in that they are for endurance, like PS series, but compiled in less amount of time.
S&H is different. So if you want a break from PS, then do S&H for 3-4 weeks and then go back to PH, MIS, or PS, and see and feel the difference.
Hope this helps.
It does help. Thanks very much for your thoughtful explanation. And thanks for mentioning that you understand about getting overwhelmed.
Looking back, I can see I got my Step N Motion order confirmation on July 26, so I probably started soon thereafter. So, I'm close to 3 months with PS. Although I don't feel like I've hit a plateau yet, I probably will soon, right? Maybe I should go ahead and order S&H.
Here I go again....... I think I actually enjoy obsessing about what to buy because it keeps my mind busy on fun things.
Haslina- if I broke S&H into one body part per day, how many days would it take to get through everything? Thanks.
Once I have "mastered" PS, there is still value in doing PH and MIS, right? They will add endurance gains to my strength gains, no?
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-17-02 AT 01:30PM (Est)[/font][p]It will take you 6 days to finish 1 body part a week... giving you 1 day off before starting another cycle.


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