Gifts for furry family members

Well, 77 dollars later.............our doggie is having a BIG Christmas. My 7 year old wrapped all the gifts, but they are not under the tree yet, as we have several types of treats he would tear into!! We ordered toys and treats from the Drs Foster and Smith catalog........its addicting!! Some of the gifts we are saving for the dogs third birthday in feb 08!
My two male cats, Seville and Madrid, both 2 years old and are brothers got some Christmas gifts from Petsmart. They have a whole area with stockings-one section for dogs and the other for cats.
My boys got 6 christmas mice to play with. They love them and play with them alot.
My SO has two cats and each year they get a fresh supply of catnip. He'll stand over them with the container in his hand and they will YELL at him - it's so funny. If it were words they'd be saying Daddy, Daddy, put some on the floor, c'mon, Daddy!!!!

I got them some glow in the dark catnip puff balls one time but they didn't particularly glow.

They like the little super balls best. And one of them frankly prefers to chase a drinking straw all over the house.
Petsmart is my last stop tomorrow -- need to get some goodies for my pug! He loves the bones with peanut butter or cheese in the middle. I should pick up something for DF's kitties too.

I don't get my dog anything to wrap and put under the tree, but he does have a stocking that gets filled!
Michele that is hysterical! That white cat reminds me of my dear, departed Murphy.

SO tried growing some kind of cat grass for his two, not catnip but something else, and his Johnny was so overwhelmed by how fast it grew that he just sat on it one day and killed the whole pot!
Another "stocking" filler! I found one shaped like a paw, its so cute. Georgie's b-day is the 27th, so he gets double treats every year!:D Love the "cathouse!";)
We have 5 cats and 2 birds and they all have stockings and we love helping them open gifts on Christmas morning!!!! I cant wait!

Merry Christmas everyone!!!

not only do the pups have their own stockings, they have their own tree! it's a smaller tree (about 4 ft.) with all dog ornaments. anyway, i always get them gifts and wrap them and put them under "their" tree. in fact, that's my only stop for today as far as shopping. gifts for the dogs. :)
This is the first year ever that I have not gotten gifts for my babies...last year the cat(Monkey)liked the paper better than her gift husband says I have too many animals to buy gifts for...a cat two dogs(Tater& Darla),a goat(Tinkerbell),and three horses(Repo,Willy Filly, and Destiny)... I could go broke.
We got our bun some willow balls that we are going to wrap for her, she loves to tear paper.:)

Oh, and we got some sticks to put in her stocking.
My mom treats our cat to gifts. This year, she bought Valentine the Chi Pet Pet Grass (or whatever it's called). She wraps up the cat's stuff and lets the kids open them!


When I was a kid, we used to have a stocking hung for each cat, and would put out catnip wrapped in tissue paper (the better to rip to shreds and roll in!). Now, I get my cats gifts this time of year (and pretty much whenever I see something I think they'd like), but not specifically Christmas presents, because I don't wrap them or wait until Xmas eve or day to get them (and I sometimes take advantage of after-Christmas sales).

I've already gotten them a new snuggly bed, which they alternate using (there are several already scattered around the house).

I might pick up some catnip bananas for them (that sounds weird, doesn't it? But they absolutely love these banana-shaped toys filled with potent catnip, and I consider them more of a treat, since they cost more than other catnip toys).

I do make catnip socks for the shelter kitties.
>They like the little super balls best. And one of them
>frankly prefers to chase a drinking straw all over the house.

My cat Bobsie loves superballs! She loves to play soccer with them on the kitchen floor. (she also has been known to do the same with nuts in the shell, and once, I dropped a shelled brazil nut on the floor as I was taking some out to the squirrels, and when I came back in, she was already playing with it!).
>I was thinking about getting this for Johnny K. Kitty. I love
>the window boxes -- LMAO!!

That is cool!
Have you seen it in person? I find that a lot of these kitty houses and kitty posts are advertised with kittens, and are way too small for adult cats (well, at least my two huge boys! My smaller girl would fit in fine).
>>I was thinking about getting this for Johnny K. Kitty. I
>>the window boxes -- LMAO!!
>That is cool!
>Have you seen it in person? I find that a lot of these kitty
>houses and kitty posts are advertised with kittens, and are
>way too small for adult cats (well, at least my two huge boys!
>My smaller girl would fit in fine).

I haven't seen it in person but I also have concerns that it'd be too small for Johnny -- he's a big guy. Here's the link and I believe it gives the dimensions.
Yes, my doxies get Christmas gifts. This year, they are getting toys and treats and a new sweater. I don't put the gifts under the tree because they would sniff out their treats and open them!!

For Easter I put treats in plastic eggs and hide them around the house. It's hilarious to watch them sniff out the treats.

What can I say, I don't have any children.

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