Gifts for furry family members

>I haven't seen it in person but I also have concerns that it'd
>be too small for Johnny -- he's a big guy. Here's the link and
>I believe it gives the dimensions.
I wonder if those dimensions are just the house, or if they include the platform? That would make quite a difference.
Oh, our dogs have stockings... Kimo's will be filled with chewies, and Jimmy has a huge stocking from one of his doggie day care workers who adores him filled with squeakies. He's going to find whole new ways to drive DH batty during football games! One of our friend's gave us more gifts, and I'm waiting for our older neighbor down the street to bring another stocking filled with treats as she does every year.
okay, i think after posting this you all will think i am certifiable. i am posting pictures of the dogs' tree as well as their stockings (filled with chews and bones). what can i say? i looooove my pups! it's so fun to help them open all their gifts. there are so many, i think their heads are going to explode. they have no idea what to play with first!!! so cute!!!

dog tree (a little blurry):
two close ups of dog tree:
doggies' presents:
BAHAHAHAHAHAH! That's funny, Lorie!!! You are worse than I am, but only because DH won't let me.

He is already rolling his eyes because the pups and my kitty have their own stockings. In fact,exactly the same green/red velvet stockings with their names on it as you have.

Merry Christmas to you and your furry babies!!!!

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