Getting used to bifocals x (


Alright, I'll admit it, I'm an old fart, or at least feel like one, after having to get bifocals (but I got the no-lined kind, because I don't want to LOOK like an old fart!).

Anyone else here wear them? I just started wearing them last night, to try to get used to them, and I swear I'm going to fall down my basement stairs if I wear them when I'm doing laundry! I just don't like the area in front of my feet to be blurry.

And I hate having to find the "sweet spot" that is in focus on the bottom and holding my head at a tilt.

I'm definitely NOT wearing them to workout (I'll go with a non-bifocal prescription for those), or I'll fall flat on my face (or the other end!).

I'm very tempted to ditch the whole bifocal thing and just keep on lifting my glasses up to read close print. Or maybe getting one of those "magnifying glass" necklaces that Travel Smith sells.

(And before anyone comes up with the idea: Contacts are not a viable option--I used to wear them when they were smaller, but when I tried again a few years ago, they were too much of a pain for me...and I don't want to pull on my eye so much I cause even more wrinkles!. Lasik is out as well, according to my new eye doc. Not because of safety, but because I'd still have to wear glasses anyway afterwards to read and for close viewing).

Getting older s*(#@s!
Don't give up, Kathryn! I've been wearing these for 5 years now. It did take a week or two of continuous wearing for me to get used to them. I made myself wear them all the time, and I did eventually get used to them. But some people just can't get used to them. What made it harder for me is that I went from wearing a large plastic, very out of style frame to a small "stylish" frame with the bifocals. The small frame really makes the sweet spot small. I recently got a slightly larger frame for them and that really helped enlarge the sweet spot.

Switching subjects slightly here, I just want to report that both my 14yo son and I have greatly improved our eye prescriptions over the last 2 years. The optometrist agreed it may possibly be a benefit of the fish oil we have been supplementing with. My son's prescription was cut in half!

Good luck!
Hi Kathryn, I just started wearing bifocals also. I actually did return my first pair because I did not like them at all. My problem is that I don't need glasses for driving, walking around etc. I work on a computer all day and I need one prescription for my computer work and another prescription for reading things that are closer to me such as books. At first I was just wearing 2 separate pairs of glasses because I hated the bifocals. They just didn't feel right at all. This year when I went in, I asked that the reading section be put as low as possible on the lens. I still didn't like it at first, but then one day it just clicked and now it doesn't bother me at all. If you don't use the lower portion constantly, you may want to check on having it lowered. Mine is tiny and is just in the inner bottom corners.
Hi Kathryn,
From one old fart (just kidding) to another...LOL...I just got my first pair a 6 months ago. My lenses are so minimal (+1), but I hate to miss a thing!! (I finally realized I needed them when I was in a restaurant and couldn't focus on the menu.) It will take you about 2 months to get used to them and then it will be old hat. I hated them too in the beginning (I kept trying to watch the TV out of the bottom of the lense which obviously didn't work too well...LOL). Most of the time I wear contacts (monolenses), but I interchange them frequently with my glasses without a problem. (I didn't like bifocal contact lenses because I couldn't see as clearly in them.) I use one eye for distance and one eye for reading and it works out really well for me. It's amazing how your brain adjusts. At this time, I have no interest in Lasik, although they can correct both eyes with a new type of surgery according to my eye doctor. I just know too many people who had bad results and my contact lenses are really not a bother.

I never thought I would get used to them either, but I did....and I do sometimes work out in them. I know you will too...given some time to get used to them.

Good luck,
Hey Kathryn,

Welcome to the Old Fart's Club!! LOL

I've had my no lines for about 4 or 5 years now. I would say it took a few weeks to get used to them. I needed trifocals so they put me in the progressive lenses which have a more gradual transition between the different prescriptions.

IMHO a girl can't have too many pairs of glasses. I actually keep a separate pair with my distance prescription that I use for watching TV, driving at night, and when going out to a movie. I figured out that everytime I engaged in these activities I was getting knot in my neck, and I realized it was caused by bending my head forward in order to look through the top of my lenses where the distance prescription is. If you have a bifocal, this may not be an issue for you--the progressives have fairly narrow bands for farsightedness, med vision, and nearsightedness.

Good luck in your transition period. ;) Once you get used to them you'll be glad you have them. I'm hoping we live long enough to see them come up with a surgical technique that will correct Old Fart Vision!!

Glad to see a few of us Old Farts!!! I started wearing my no line bifocals about 3 years ago. I used them mostly for work. Now though I use them for distance when I am too far from the TV!

I'll say Kathryn, it did take me awhile to find that sweet spot. I am a manicurist and you would have cracked up watching my head move around so much trying to see where those sharp scissors I use were going.. x( But I did adjust and really like them now. I am not yet at the point that I need to wear them ALL the time, but as I am aging I know that is coming.

I wouldn't even give contacts a thought, they don't sound like any fun.

Try and hang in there and know you aren't alone....:)...Carole
Kathryn, I just got my first pair about 6 months ago. I would wear them, they would drive me crazy, I would put them away for a week, try them, etc. This went on for about 4 months. Then, last month, I was at a week long conference where I had to follow the speakers with documentation and decided to try it again as I couldn't see trying to make this work with my reading glasses. Wha la! They are suddenly ok! I forced myself to wear them all week and my eyes finally adjusted. So now the stairs don't bother me, walking doesn't bother me and it's working! My head knows how far to move, my eyes know where to look and we are all very happy now!

Just force yourself and you'll get use to it. If I can (and I am the ultimate at resisting!) you can!

Yes, getting older has it's draw backs...but at least our bodies are in GREAT shape! :) :)

I wanted to Carole I don't wear mine all the time, mostly at work or if we're watching TV in the bedroom where I'm farther away from the TV. I don't need them for driving or anything like that - I originally got mine because I lead a lot of meetings where we're reviewing documentation and I'm constantly having to take them off and put them back on. As soon as I would look up from a document everyone is off they come, then I look down and the document is blurry so I put them back became very annoying. But now it's all clear! :)

Needless to say, I've worn them a LONG time, and now wear trifocals -I wear the kind with the lines, too. I don't want to be bothered with contacts. I just got my eyes checked and my prescription has hardly changed in 2 years. I just ordered glasses with the rimless frames.

I've always worn bifocals to work out and never had a problem. It's just one of the natty little reminders of getting older, but then I don't have to dress old - I put on a pair of tight, tight stretch pants yesterday and was thinking of how cool it was to be wearing them at my age and look GOOD in them! Working out it WORTH IT!
Just Do It! :)
I have progressive bifocals too. I think they are trifocals though? In any event, it only took me a day or so to get used to them and I'm very happy with them. My DH couldn't get used to his, and ditched 'em.

To tell you the truth, I suspect the difference was that I went to a good optomitrist recommended by my eye dr., and my DH (forever frugal) went to Lens Crafters or some discount place. Yes, I paid alot, but I'm sure I'll have these glasses for years. I really think that when it comes to your eyes, it's important to go to the best. It's just a thought. I don't really know why some people adapt in a day and others don't, but I thought it might be helpful for you to know how easily I adapted.


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