Getting lean


New Member
Cathe, I really admire your physique. What kind of diet program would you recommend to acheive that look? I am a fitness instructor, so exercise isn't a problem.
Yes, I would love to know although I'm sure it would be way too strict for me to follow as I am not in the fitness industry professionally.

I love Rhonda too! Her body is amazing! I don't know how tall she is but she looks more to be my height, I know Cathe is only 5'2. Of course, these women live like celebrities where they HAVE to look this way all the time! You can't very well sell videos if you are out of shape! ;(

Anyway, I read Rhonda's bio and she eats 2500 cals a day! That is insane and completely out of my grasp. Most of the time, I'm lucky if I eat 1200 calories a day!
Yes--me too. 2500 calories is about the norm for people who are as active as Rhonda and Cathe. I personally try to eat 5-6 meals a day, with one cheat day. (but here lately, ALL my days are cheat daysx( )
Thank you for your feed back...This is a really cool site.

Hi, Twingirl and UCBlondie! Are you happy with your muscles or are you trying to build mass? Brace yourselves! If you are trying to add muscle you may be thwarting your attempts by eating too few calories. Interestingly, your body requires a surplus of calories to build muscle. So you might want to add a few to build that calorie consuming lean tissue. As long as you are working out adequately, you will not gain weight in the form of fat although muscle weighs more than fat so sometimes the scale goes up but usually your size goes down so it's no big deal. It is very important to eat enough while getting fit and I think it's delightful to know that a low, low calorie diet is a no no when trying to build muscle. Twelve hundred a day is very low. Add a few and see how it works for you!
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"
Hi Bobbie!! Thank you so much for your feed back!! Your advice is very sound. I think I'll take what you said and see what happens. I'm not trying to look like a muscle head, I just admire the physiques of the fitness competitors and so forth. You know, long and lean and still feminine. Ya know what I mean?:) Thanks again for you feed back. I think this is a wonderful forum for us to really get to the bottom of some issues. Don't you?
Keep smiling-
Oh, I love it, DeAnna! Whether it's a pep talk or information, it's all here! I have been in the muscle building phase for two months now. Hmmmm? I'd love to look like a muscle head :D but, alas, I'm more of a stick than anything. So I just keep trying! And I may not have much muscularity but I am strong. And it's great that since I have been trying to build, I haven't worried about overdoing calories. I've been doing progressively heavier strength training and I have gotten leaner to boot on 1800-2000 calories a day! Life is good! LOL!

Bobbi "Chick's rule!"
Rhonda is 5'6". I don't think 2500 in calories daily is insane. In fact, it's obvioulsy just right because she looks great. As for 'lucky if I eat 1200 calories a day' sounds kind of low to me. I know it's sometimes hard to get all that eating in, but you may want to try high caloric/nutritious foods such as protein shakes, brown rice, whole grain breads, etc. I was exercising regulary, consuming 1800 calories a day, and was seriously underfed. I was hospitalized for being severly under weight at that point. They couldn't believe I had been eating 1800 calories a day and losing weight simultaneously, but considering how active I was, my body really did require quite a bit of fuel.

If you don't mind my asking, how tall are you? I ask because right now I am eating around 1800 calories a day and also feeling a little underfed at times. I am 5 foot 4 inches and around 112lbs right now. My problem is that sometimes by the end of the day, I am super-hungry... which tells me that I did not feed myself appropriately throughout the day. I am going to increase, I think, to around 2000 and see what happens.

My other problem is that I think I might be underestimating the amount of calories I am eating. In other words, I might think that it is around 1800, but it might actually be less. I have a hard time telling just how many calories are in different things that I eat (obviously, not everything has a lable on it, especially stuff you make from scratch).

My goals are to build muscle but stay lean - I don't want to bulk up a whole lot, but a little would definitely be nice. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks in advance,


I am 5' 6", but I must be a larger frame because I was told to gain weight immediately when I was at 112. I do think that my current weight is too heavy, but I don't think I was meant to be a skinny minny. And yes, I too was hungry all the time. Play around with it. Another thing that helped me, was not counting calories, but eating when I was hungry. Perhaps your body is trying to tell you it needs more fuel. In the last 4 years I've been 80 lbs and I've been 180 lbs and there is nothing like letting all of that crap go and doing what your body tells you to do. It's taken me for what feels like forever to get here, but I think I'm finally obsessing free!
>Anyway, I read Rhonda's bio and she eats 2500 cals a day!
>That is insane and completely out of my grasp. Most of the
>time, I'm lucky if I eat 1200 calories a day!

I HOPE YOU ARE KIDDING! 1200 calories per day? That is inviting sickness and nothing more! As much as I like to eat low cals, I have to eat according to my height and weight and even at 4'10" tall, I have to eat AT LEAST 1800 cals to lose weight in a healthy manner. Sure, I cheat and workout twice a day but I still eat at least 1800 cals especially doing Cathe's workouts - she is no Richard Simmons and you need all the energy you can muster - and I am wide eyed wondering how energized you are on 1200 cals per day.

Don't get me wrong, if you are fine then I envie you but you NEED to increase your cals intake if you want to remain healthy!
Yikes 1200 calories a day.. That seems very low - are you able to gain muscle on that?
I'm 5 2 112. I thought I ate less but when I did fit day found I was at 1800. When you eat that little the body goes into survival mode and your metabolism will slow down. The bad thing with so few calories is that you might not be getting the nutrition you need. Fit day was a HUGE eye opener to me of what I'm lacking in nutrition.
to get back to the original question on this thread, I found in the old FAQ's that Cathe (at least in 1998) ate about 2500 cals a day in a 40-30-30- ratio. That was during her BodyMax era in which she was QUITE lean.
This is interesting, I could use a little advice here too. I have been eating 1200 - 1300 calories since I began my journey in June 2002. I have lost 82 lbs and am still on the same calories trying to lose 5 to 10 more. About 3 or 4 months ago I began implementing Cathe workouts into my routing (am a Firmie) and then I started taking Kung Fu 3 times a week in 2 hour sessions. I started getting really cold after Kung Fu class and it was warm, I had chills so I thought maybe I wasn't getting enough fuel. I spoke to a nutritionist at ediets and they upped my calories to 1600 - 1700. I am 5'2" 125 lbs and I am afraid since I have lost so much for a detour in my progress. Do you think that is a little high? Maybe I should just begin at about 1450 for a little while and see how that is? I am seeing all the calories you all eat and am wondering how active you are. I sit at a computer all day at work so even though I workout 5 to 6 days a week and take the kung fu, I don't feel that is very active. I would appreciate any of your thoughts.
Daisy, I'm in the same boat as you. I am 5' and weigh 123 pounds. I was trying to stay around 1200-1300 calories, but I wasn't seeing any weight loss at all. I tried WW and even gained weight. At the beginning of the year I started eating 1500 calories per day and I'm now wondering if I need to go up even higher. As you, I workout 6 days per week, but I have a computer job also and just sit the rest of the day.

Edited to say that I've lost a couple of pounds since upping my calories.
It is good to hear that you lost a couple of pounds while adding calories, I am interested in hearing more about this. 1500 calories might be a good place for me to start and see what happens, it took a lot of hard work for me to get where I am, I gained all the large amount of weight due to being extremely medicated for an anxiety disorder and dealing with the disorder itself and although everything is under control right now I am extremely afraid of gaining any weight at all. I am also going to be 46 in a few days and I know your metabolism slows as you age - I just need a lot of reassurance I guess.
You can't have a strong healthy looking body if you are starving yourself! If your calories are too low, your body will hang on to every ounce of fat with a death grip. Because as far as you body knows, it is in a struggle to survive. You will only make the body highly efficient at keeping fat - even at the expense of muscle tissue on 1200 calories a day.

The good news is that your body can learn to expect better nutrition. Take you calories up slowly - 100 calories per week is a good way to start. Your body will adjust. It is vitally important to keep your sugars lows!

It would be a great idea to have a look at: they have an easy and very inexpensive web program that lets you track your daily intake. It is optional, but the site also has a weight loss mode that will guide you in daily intake amounts and ratios of protein/carbs and fats. Everything is very moderate and not a low carb or fad approach. It is the way that body builders actually prepare for competition. That means keep all the muscle and jettison fat in the safest, healthiest possible way. The entire goal of the website is to educate the users to make the best possible food choices. After some practice, you will be able to make good food choices without relying on the web program.

I know! I was eating too little at 1800 calories a day and getting fatter. I have lost weight after learning to eat better. Specifically keeping my sugars, fat and salts low, while eating more calories and more protein than I used to eat.

Daisy, I'm 41 and I'm having trouble with weight gain as I get older. It is great that I've lost a little with upping my calories. I get hungry every afternoon around 3:00-4:00. I've started eating a Zone bar every afternoon as my snack as these contain around 16 grams of protein. I've tried other bars, but they gross me out. I used to eat very low fat snacks such as popcorn and was just getting fatter. The Zone bars are good and they fill me up until supper time. I also used to have 1 soda per day and I've cut way back on those. I don't like diet sodas, so I just limit myself to 1 or 2 sodas per week. I'm also drinking way more water than I used to. I would say I have doubled my water intake, but need to drink a little more. I'm making little changes as I go and so far it seems to working.

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