Getting Lean


Hi Cathe,
I have never had a serious weight problem, but over the past 5 years I have put on about 30 lbs. I am only 5'4" and for some reason, I just didn't see the weight piling on. One day last summer, I realized, I just did not feel good about myself andI decided to take the weight off. I have always exercised about 4-5 days a week, I guess it was just not enough, I had to watch my diet. I was eating whatever and as much as I've wanted. Along with running, your tapes (cardio and strength) and calorie reduction (a clean diet, as you say) I have taken the weight off. I am at a normal weight and I look thin again. It took me since last summer, mind you, but...I must admit I did cheat on occasion. My question is: Even though I do about 4-5 days of intense (45-60 min) cardio and 2 days of total body weight training I still don't feel toned enough. I definately see muscle definition but I just don't have that lean, cut, feel yet. I can feel the muscle underneath, but I just don't feel lean. Should I cut back on cardio and Increase strength training?( I work each body part 2x per week with either Circuit Max, or Xtrain express or a combo of the two). I feel my cardio prescription to be more than adequate, so I don't think more would be the solution. Should I lift heavier and slower? Or even fine tune my diet? I try to eat protein, carbs and some fat in the desired amounts with I guess less protein on some days than others. I realize some people lean down faster than others, I just feel like I don't really want to lose any more weight. I just want to I guess keep decreasing my body fat. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks for listening. I love all of your tapes.
I too, want to lose some bodyfat and get more "cut". I've been doing the CTX series since the beginning of Feb. but, I don't notice the difference like I did when they first came out. I've done two different rotations in between time. I KNOW I need to clean up my diet, but what method of exercise will work best to get the desired results? I'm 5'1" with an athletic build, and weigh 110. My goal is to get to 105 and get more muscle mass with that cut look. Thanks for helping us Cathe!!

Hi! :)

I'm loving this thread because this is me too! I want to be leaner so that the muscle I have really shows. I guess I'm looking to be more defined. I'm 5'3", 115 lbs. I'd love to hear what Cathe has to say or anyone who's been in this same situation and has found a solution!

Let's just wait together! :):)

Wanted to bring this to the top...wanting Cathe to reply or anyone who got lean! I know lots of you are out there, we need you to respond, please!!
Hi RA! I had started a rotation using both PS Series and either MIS or Bodymax. For instance, when I work my biceps I do the warm up to BBA and fast forward the tape to the biceps section. Then I already have my Bodymax or MIS tape qued up to the biceps section and do that too. I stay on this rotation for several weeks and I've definitely seen more muscle definition. It's all in experimenting and diet also but you sound like you have that down pat. I don't think I would change anything there. I do 2 bodyparts a session. I work just my legs on one day because my goals are to see a lot more definition there. Try this and see what happens, Kathy
As a trainer, I tell my clients that nothing is absolute, Exercise is a process of trial and error as well as a process of time. My own experience has been one of time. I have waited ten years to finally have the definition I wanted. It was incredibly frustrating to not get results sooner but I guess that was the amount of time my own body needed. For your own personal path, here are some suggestions. Some do best if they work each body part only once a week because they need more recovery time. Others do well to train each muscle group two to three times a week. Then there is weight and rep overload. Does your body respond to heavy weight/low rep sets or the reverse-high rep/low weight? Some people go back and forth between the two styles every six to twelve weeks. The key is to try different things until you start seeing more dramatic results. In your case, you might be doing a little too much cardio and need to focus more on weight training. A trainig log might really help also so you can decide which things work for you.

As fas as diet, one of the greatest things I have learned is that our feelings of fullness depend on the weight of a particular food and not on its calorie content--like the ability to eat a whole bag of potato chips and not be too full. Trick your body into feeling fuller with heavy weight foods like vegetable soups, fruits and vegetables, oatmeal and brown rice, beans, etc. Eat pizza if you must but eat it with steamed broccoli. You will feel full on less calories because the above mentioned foods add weight with water and fiber without adding calories.

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