Good morning,
21DF Lower Fix and walk is done.
Have a great day and workout, everyone.
21DF Lower Fix and walk is done.
Have a great day and workout, everyone.
Happy Wednesday!
I am now off work until after the new year. Getting here was crazy, but it's done. DS just finished up and is on his way home, DH finished grading and got that all turned in, and DD just turned in her last paper, so we are all done! Hip, hip hooray!
Now to get the rest of my life back on track - food and exercise wise.
Belinda - Great job keeping up on your wo's, especially with all the holiday craziness. As for the floors, it's a mixture of sweeping, vacuuming and mopping with wood cleaner. I try different things - not sure I've like one a lot better than the others - nothing gets back to the original, pristine finish. Maybe in time we'll have them redone, but they are much better than carpeting.
Heidi - Happy Birthday! Hope you've had some cheer today.
Dinner time - chicken pot pie which always makes the house smell wonderful. Hope you are having a good one, too.
Happy Christmas Eve!
Still waiting for S&S to arrive. But tracking says it's on the truck to be delivered today. Need something to get me motivated because I have been quite the sloth lately. Using the holiday hustle and bustle as quite the excuse.
Belinda - So, how do you like the new stuff? Can't wait to try it. How are you and DH enjoying this round of 21DF? Is the wo room complete now?
Heidi - Good for new meds - hope they help. For the yoga post-run, we have Yoga for Runners from Runner's World - a few different wo's, and it does help to loosen up the specific areas that get tight/exhausted from a run.
Now off to get a bit more shopping done. Love that the kids are home. Enjoy your day, too!
Hi girls,
21 DF cardio fix and walk is done.
Did you guys preview Ramped Up Upper Body? Apparently the distributor messed up and some of the RU dvds have a pastor preaching on it. I need to checked mine
Heidi - I think it was a one day bugFantastic job yesterday.
Happy New Year!!!