just ran across it on youtube!
didn't realize it'd be hot topic? figured most would agree on the opinions on it. I thought it was rather shocking and thought others would too.. hmmm. sorry.
I wonder what kind of fine a sumo wrestler would have to pay?
The video was in Japan. The workers were getting measured at work and if they were too big they'd get fined I guess. I assumed no one here would want to be measured at work and then fined! lol! I'd probably fail that now as I have some baby fat to loose. But it was kinda neat that in the clip they had some relaxing music and they had a break at work to stretch etc. might be nice in a busy workday to relax a bit. I'd think its probably the individual business they work for doing that? not Japan as a whole. I think itd maybe be cool if jobs ENCOURAGED fitness/health but not enforce it. Someone on here (sorry don't know who) said they got bonus money to spend on workouts if they don't use sick leave? that'd be an idea. my MILs job gives free passes to golds gym to employees. but again I'm just saying I wasn't supporting this idea! I assumed everyone would be like "thats screwed up!" ha.
I think it is A-Jock that is able to use some type of bonus money for not using sick leave. That is a great incentive!
Hi, Carrie! Actually, I am able to simply use the cash value of my accrued sick leave hours to get reimbursed for fitness equipment (including DVDs) and club dues expenses. I cannot tell you how far down my jaw dropped when I first discovered that benefit; I said, literally, "You're kidding, right?" When I was a group fitness instructor I was able to use this benefit to get reimbursed for all the special music I "had" to buy for my classes because I was doing the class while leading it as well. The employer keeps raising the ceiling amount for which one can get reimbursed per year (now it's up to $1500.00 for 2009) and I keep bumping my head against the ceiling.