getting definition


Okay I have been doing a totatl body workout and another day with wts. today I did muscle endurance,last week I did slow and heavy . I have been doing this for over a month now and am not seeing any increased muscle definition. What am I not doing right?I eat protein after my workouts and am getting plenty of cardio. Diet isnt the best. but even so with all the wt training I thought I would see so change. any help would be appreciated.
Focus on diet. You do some cardio each week too, right? Also, do not add anything if it puts your life out of balance.

Get plenty of sleep and really, really watch unplanned intake. You probably know what to do. Just realize that there are some times each day when it's OK to feel like you want a little nosh and you don't do it. And plan ahead. Have guaranteed good foods around so you won't be stuck hungry with only empty calorie foods.

I have read The Maker's Diet recently and learned more about nutrition from it. I live near a Whole Foods (supermarket)-- some people call it Whole Paycheck. :p


Work on cleaning up your diet. Even if you're building muscle, if your not losing body fat it's hiding all the muscles your building underneath. If you start eating really clean and begin to shed body fat your muscles and tone will really start to show.

yes I do cardio about 5-6x week. It probably is my eating that is hindering my progress. I have been struggling with that for awhile now. Thanks for the advice, I will keep at it.
how much cardio should one do? I still have 6pds to lose so I didnt want to cut out to much cardio. I do an interval workout 1x week and then one total body wt workout.along with 4days of running and one day of spinning.
You shouldn't have to cut out any cardio if you cut back on your eating. If I watch my diet I can start losing weight pretty fast. But if I don't watch myself I can run till the cows come home and my weight will stay the same.
Also, they say that if you cut carbs out in the evening you can lose weight a little faster.I have never tried it, but maybe you could just have a nice big salad in the evening with a protein.Just a thought.
Good Luck,
Lori :)
I do cardio 5-6 days a week and weight training about 4 times a week. If I eat really clean I drop weight pretty quickly and my muscle tone really shows. It just shows how important diet really is.

It feels like I should be able to eat what ever I want when I up my mileage or running but that isnt so. Unfortunately!!! I just ran 7.5miles yesterday . I am upping my mileage for a 1/2marathon and was thinking I should maybe see a drop in wt since I will be running farther. I know I need to cut back on the food. I have been eating just to eat these days. I need to stop that , I dont know whats gotten into me these past few months. anyway thanks for the advice.
Laura, I understand exactly what you are saying. I have upped my running since christmas. I think I ran 117 miles in jan alone.I don't run everyday but pretty close to it.I use to run 6 miles but now I have upped it to 8 miles and sometimes 9.My weight as stayed the same, it hasn't budged. I get hungrier though so thats why! Ah..I just eat more! hahaha I was talking to a friend today and she said that she wanted to start running again this summer but she loses to much weight.She is only 5'2" and 110 lbs at the most.I told her to start eating more, obviously if you don't want to lose weight have a couple of snacks in the daytime, right? Funny how it works for some and not for others.BUT at the sametime you have to remember that you may be trading fat for muscle.The body works in veru strange ways!!!
I wish I weighed what that girl weighs. I am 5 '2 1/2 and have been weighing around 126-127. I feel good when I am around 120lbs,so I am not asking to lose too much ,just a little. But my body wants to hold onto everything. Very stubborn!!!!! well, I will see how it responds since I just started upping my mileage and days fo running but tell your friend to send some of her good fortune my way.
but she loses to much

oh how i feel for her LOL }(

diet plays a big factor in dropping body fat while retaining muscle. bodybuilders and competitiors really have a hell of diet and training regimine that in no way am i interested in trying now LOL. but if i watch what i eat(cut out processed foods all together,stick with lean protiens,fruits,and veggies ALOT of those) i can see amazing changes. my belly is one stubborn place those. the last time i saw my abs i was practicly living off 2 protien bars, two small sandwiches with lots of water. that was particularly healthy so i am trying the best i can to get back to that level without starving meself and overdoing cardio. the body is a science and each of us responds differently so hopefully the eating habits will help you out much.


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
hahaha Kassia, your to funny.That wasn't enough food girlfriend!!! The last time my stomach was perfect was when I was hungover and spent alnight throwing up! hahaha Which was about 6 yrs ago! When I finally got up and got dressed, I thought I looked like a million bucks around the waistline...and then I ate! And it was gone:p
Well I don't care what anyone says, I totally believe you have to drop your calories to lose weight, we must burn more calories than we take in to lose weight....

Even with these celebrity fit club and the Swan they put them on about 1200 calories a day, and yes they are hungry all the time for about a week or 2, but even Chasity Bono said her body did get used to the calorie drop.

This is what I have to do and I am 5'2" and 46 yrs young. Right now I am at 107 and trying to drop a few lbs, so thats what I have to do also.....

>Okay I have been doing a totatl body workout and another day
>with wts.

I don't understand. Do you mean you do two weight workouts a week: one total body and one not?

I suggest a split routine (3 day split like Gym Styles) doing each workout once a week (three workouts a week, maybe an extra leg day), focusing on going as heavy as you can with good form (put longer breaks between exercises, and definitely between body parts to allow your body to recover some strength before the next set, and do some dynamic stretches during the breaks).

Definition is a combo of building muscle (working the muscle hard, giving it enough rest and recovery and the proper nutrition and amount of calories for growth) and reducing fat. Focus on the building first, then go to some circuit weight workouts to burn more fat.
I do a bootcamp class which alternates wts with cardio,they hit the total body with wts and then I do another upper body wt workout at home. I alternate between slow and heavy,upper body pyramid and muscle endurance just to change it up. I only do pilates for the legs another 2xweek but no wts for the main focus is getting cut in the upper body and losing another 5-6pds. I run 3-4days a week with speed work and hills one of those days,so I thought my legs where getting plenty of work,also I do spin class 1xweek,again working the legs. My deltoids (medial) are the oone part of my arms that are taking so long. anyway, I agree with the other people who posted that you do have to decrease your calories to lose, I just need to get more will power where that is concerned.
Everyone is different, so you are going to get different responses to what works and what doesn't. Based on my practical experience with what worked for me AND the other people that I train, is for the best upper body definition, go to body weight exercises such as push-ups. For lower body definition, slack off on the weights and do LOTS of lunges, all kinds of them.

You can read all you want in books about what SHOULD work, but it comes down to results. Try everything, and figure out what works for you on an individual basis.
Just Do It! :)
so do you do push daily? and how many should someone do? pushups alone are enough to give that sculpted look? my arms have come a long way but like I said the medial delts are slow, I would like to get the indentation on the side,even when the arms are hanging straight down.If I move my arm a certain way ,you can see some indentation but not when the arm is in natural position. anyway,any more tips would greatly be appreciated,and yes ,I backed off the wts for the lower body as well.
Everyone is different and you have to find out what works for you. I'm 43 and I'm noticing that I'm looking better with very little cardio and heavy weight training.

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