Get ready for Summer Rotation

RE: Question for you Debbie

Tneah, I know you weren't asking for a rotation, I just wanted to make it clear that not all my rotations work for everyone. Anyways, if I had a choice right now, I'd be working my legs twice a week using higher reps, lower weights because thats what works for me. When I go heavy my legs thicken up too much and I lose the definition. I'm doing a rotation right now that only calls for doing legs once a week and other then losing my one rest day, I can't change it. So hopefully it will be enough for me.

How cool that you were in that competition, what a kick. There is one here in Ohio at the end of the month I'd like to attend. We'll see.

Tricia, the arm drills on Cardio Coach is the very last thing on the workout before the stretch. Its awesome so you have to find it and do it. :)
Hey Colleen, I love Debbie's rotations...where is the endurance rotation...I must have missed it. Thanks
RE: Question for you Debbie


You should seriously think about competing, really! Do an all-natural contest or something, you look great. Its alot of hard work and the dieting is tough-- you really should consider it! It was something I had to prove to myself I could actually do, I came in last, but was so proud of myself. Thanks for your thoughts on leg training :)
RE: Question for you Debbie

Thanks Debbie - I'm going to check this out in the morning, right now, I'm going to bed!

Hi Debbie:
Tomorrow is "CTX Upper Body Split" - since I only have this on VHS tape, could you let me know what order I should work each body part?
If you have to ffw your tape to each upper body section, just do them in the order that they are at on the workout. It would be easier. However, if you know where each body part is at on the tape do this:


This way you are working opposing muscle groups to give rest where needed.
I don't have Muscle Endurance on DVD, only VHS. Could someone let me know what the Muscle Endurance Upper Body Split Premix consists of?

Debbie - Ab question?

Hi Debbie,

Happy belated birthday! I'm on the last week of this rotation, and I have a question about the ab work. (I also posted on the DvDS forum, but wanted to ask here as well.) Yesterday I did the Leaner Legs / Coremax #2 workout. During the abs on LL, I felt the normal firing of the abs, the good kind that tells me I'm working. Then, when I was doing CM 2, somewhere along the way, I seemed to get numb. I was contracting and put my hand on the working area, but it just felt numb. Did I do too much, or is this something it's ok to continue working through to the end of the workout?

I just want to make sure that as I continue with the rotation, I know what to do since there is alot of ab work this week!

Thanks again for a great rotation, I'm really starting to see results!

RE: Debbie - Ab question?

I guess I don't understand what you mean by going numb. Sometimes when you do long ab workouts the fire goes away for some reason, it just kind of feels like normal, or maybe numb in your case. If you feel the need to cut out a couple days of ab work, I don't see why not. Listen to your body.
RE: Debbie - Ab question?

I think the way you described it fits, it just felt normal. I really couldn't think of a way to describe it - that never happened to me before!! Wow, does this mean my abs are finally getting strong? I guess you could equate it to when you lift a certain weight, and it gets easier, so you increase the weight. That's probably the answer!! I never thought I'd see this day - thanks Debbie, for such a great rotation. I'm definitely benefitting. (SP)

And I appreciate such a quick response, too!
Have a great day!!!
Hi Debbie,

What a coincidence,I am doing this rotation now, and was thinking last night about how I could update this rotation using the new dvd's.

I really love your rotations, but this one is one of my favorites!

Keep up the good work, and thank you for the time and effort you put in these rotations.


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