Gentler on the Knees Please!

Just Want2BFit

Active Member
Cathe I've been using your videos since 1995 since then age is catching up. Somethings that I would like to see in your newer workouts:

* gentle on the knees is greatly appreciated,
* less complex choreograpy with great intensity for step
* new moves that are fun, interesting & keep the heart rate up but don't make the knees twist.
* stretch time like in Step Fit
* Keep on smiling and looking as pretty :)Great Motivation here
I second this request about a thousand times! :7:7:7 I love, love, LOVE Cathe, but high impact does affect my knees (I have bum knees and had to endure surgery on both knees).

Too much Cathe in one week, and my knees are swollen and EXTREMELY SORE for days. Also a bummer that I can't really run like so many other people, for the same reason.
Yep. Keep the intensity up with less impact. But I want complex choreography at the same time. There's the challenge!
thanks :)
I really want to cast my vote for workouts that are knee friendly!! I don't have much cartilage left, so being careful is of great importance. However, I am an advanced exerciser, so the level still needs to be advanced.


May God always grant you a sunbeam to warm you... a moonbeam to charm you...& a sheltering angel, so nothing can harm you :)

I agree! Cathe, I have all your videos, but I don't do the cardio much because I want to protect my knees. I know I can modify, but it's just not much fun when I have to modify so much of the routine.
Definitely agree with all these posts!! Something low impact, but yet high intensity!

Tammy C. in WA
married 21 years to my best friend, Steve
just Mom to 2 terrific sons (21 - married, 18 - engaged)
homeschooling Mom to 5 fantastic sons (12, 10, 9, 6, and 4)
Seems to me that a kind of step/kickbox cardio could fill this need nicely...what about a cardio workout that was half kickbox on the floor, half kickbox step, so that you could chapter it into different combos of kickbox floor only, kickbox step only, etc.? There are very few kickbox step tapes out there. I also find for this almost-40-year-old, kickbox gets my heart rate up nicely without always being high impact.

But my personal opinion on complex choreo: I find workouts like rhythmic step pretty much as complex as I like to go. I think there are many instructors doing complex, dancey stuff, and there are a lot of us (like me!) who don't want to think so hard during a workout! My own opinion is that for me, Cathe is just complex enough to challenge my mind nicely but without detracting from my cardio conditioning.


I agree - low impact HIGH intensity!! My knees have never been a problem until I just did a six-week CTX rotation, and started getting a sharp pain in one knee. When I eased off the impact, it stopped. I really don't want to start having problems now, but want to keep up the intensity.

I would prefer this as well. And it doesn't have to be completely low to please me. I thought the step speed and impact level of Cardio and Weights was excellent. A full length step video with new choreography at that step speed and impact level would make me very happy.



May God always grant you a sunbeam to warm you... a moonbeam to charm you...& a sheltering angel, so nothing can harm you :)
I totally agree with these posts, we do need high intensity workouts that make us sweat without the impact, for folks with little cartilage and creaking joints, like me. These problems are why I don't think I could do pilates, all that flexing of the knees is uncomfortable, as I feel the joint movement. I also what to be able to develop my leg muscles but without doing the low end movements or having to resort to only floor exercises, which I'm not particularly fond of. x(
I wholeheartedly agree about the knee issue! I have gotten rid of many Cathe step tapes because of my knees. The problem, it seems, is a combination of torque (moves that quickly change direction) and the speed of the music. I find that it's not the impact itself that is problematic (as a reference, I can do Gin Miller's "Intense Moves" with no problem, even though there is a lot of impact--if one chooses to do those versions--because the moves are very straight-forward.

Other moves that are nasty on knees, in my expericnce, are plyo lunges (and the new version in the BB series) and those curtsey lunges in the BB series (after seeing the angle of everyone's knees and ankles during that move, I wouldn't even try it!). Perhaps consulting with a PT to find moves that are knee friendly would be helpful? It's possible that people with knees of steel can't really empathize with those of us who have average knees.
I agree. Last week I did Step Blast and was quite proud of myself for being able to do most of it perfectly. I haven't done any cardio in a week because my knees have been complaining. Step Works also does this to me. Not so much with IMAX 2, thank goodness, as the simpler choreography allows me to modify the moves as needed.

So I vote for low-impact, high-intensity. Fitness is important to me, but at the same time, I also want to be able to chase after my grandchildren one day.:7


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