Generic Rotation for Leaner Legs?


I'm curious to know the weight training/cardio regime for those focusing on reducing the size of your legs (e.g., thighs). That's a problem area for me. For the last month, I've been following a generic lower body rotation( I found at the Firm message board. Unfortunately, I think the result has been bigger and more solid thighs rather than leaner ones. Suggestions on how to firm, tone, and reduce this area are greatly appreciated? P.S. I have the following Cathe tapes.

Interval Max, PS Series, S&H Series, Power Hour, MIS, Leaner Legs, CTX Upper Body, Cardio Kicks, and CTX Kickbox

I can't find it, but Cathe once posted a lower body rotation that had you doing LL once a week and the squat/lunge segments of PH plus the floorwork from PS S&L 2 x's per week. She also had cardio in there and one upperbody day, but like I say, I can't find it, and I forget the details. I hope this helped a little bit.
Running really helps for thinning your legs, but of course, you have to remove the fat with clean eating and cardio as well as improving muscle tone, especially if you are a mesomorph.
I'm an endomorph. Running is particularly stressful on my shins and calves. I've tried it before and I always have severe pain when I run.

If you are an endomorph then isn't cardio mostly what you need? Honeybunch is a big advocate of race-walking for those who don't want or can't tolerate the impact of running. More suggestions: go to spinning classes, they are very very good for your legs. Walk. Swim. Kickbox. There are some tapes called Powerstrike that the forum members say are very intense but very low impact. I don't have them, but they should be easy to find by searching this site.
Here is a link if you'd like to check out the Powerstrike tapes. I had PowerStrike on my rotation today, but RhythmicStep won out! I am FINALLY getting it! Woo-Hooo! Sorry, back to PowerStrike :-rollen They are very intense, but low impact. A good series to alternate with your Cathe's.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

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