Geletin??? Is it inevitable??


Hi Cathe !!
I'm a newbee... I was first introduced to you in December of 2001 & can't believe I lived without you (on my VCR)! You are fabulous!! I get bored easily - but not with your workouts!! You get me out of bed at 5am & WANT to workout! I even find myself laughing out loud!! I have already bought 11 tapes!
Last year I trained for a marathon & ended up with tendonitis in my knee. So this year - I'm trying to find a good workout plan (especially cardio) that won't stress my knee.
So far - so good... as I hate to run in the dark. I've been able to stay inside with MIC, Cardio Kicks, Step Max (for cardio)... and others. However, due to the fact that I workout in an apartment building, & don't feel it is appropriate to be stepping at 5am.... I don't get in as many cardio workouts as I probably should. 2-3 a week.
I actually prefer lifting, just because I don't feel like I'm disturbing anyone.
TO MY QUESTION..... Even when I was running 40+ miles a week, I still had "geletin" on my thighs. At that time, I figured it was b/c I wasn't lifting. But now I'm lifting TONS (well maybe not tons). And I even notice progress, as I am already upping my weights. HOWEVER, I still have geletin on my thighs & hammys. :(
I'm 5'4" and probably around 125 lbs. Most people think I'm nuts when I say I need to lose weight, or workout more.... But it's this lack of muscle tone, & extra geletin on my thighs that bothers me most.... I wore pants all last summer!

Do you have any thoughts on a cure?
I noticed that though you've always had a kick b*#$*T body, you're even MORE tone in the most recent videos. What have you done differently?

I lift w/Power Hour, MIS, S&H, about every other day. I try to do a cardio on the odd days.... but those are usually the workouts to suffer. And I'm still trying to get my calorie intake under control. Normally around 1300-1600 calories. (unless I find the sugar tooth)

Is Geletin inevitable???

Thanks for everything!!

ps. Happy New Baby on the way!!
Hi Erin! Nice to meet you.

Unfortunately if "gelatin" thighs have been a part of your life's history whether you exercised or not, than chances are this is part of your genetic make up. That's not to say that you cannot greatly improve your situation, just that it may be unrealistic for you to expect your thighs to rid themselves of the gelatin 100%.

If you are not happy with your current results (and you have given your current fitness rotation a fair chance)then it is time to change it around. The first thing you said is that your cardio is suffering, so we need to increase it both in intensity and frequency. Is it possible for you to run any other time than 5 am? Can you get a stationary or spin bike for home which will not cause any impact or noise on your floor? If so that would be very helpful. Also, try to get one interval workout in per week along with two other high intensity cardio workouts and two lower intensiity workouts.

Next, your diet is so critical when it comes to making improvements to trouble areas. Trouble spots love to hang on to extra or non-nutritious calories. Although you cannot spot reduce, an overall clean diet will encourage those hard to react areas to "stir up" a bit.

Do two overall weight training workouts per week (whether they are split up or done in one workout). Be sure to work your trouble spots at least one extra time per week (this will help to provide extra firming to the area while the clean eating and cardio takes care of the extra calories).

Consistency is a key factor.

Good Luck with everything!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Feb-20-02 AT 10:53PM (Est)[/font][p]ahh! You wrote back! You've made my day!! Thank you for all the information!! More than I expected to hear!

I'm going to think positive... cross my fingers & toes, geletin is not in my genetics. I think it has to do w/turning 30.... :)since that is around the time it began to show up.
So - given all your wonderful advice, I plan to up my cardios...
My current "rotation" is "what doesn't hurt today? Ok, work that body part." :) interlaced w/cardio's on the off days.
so making a real rotation will take a little more concentration.

If I understand your recommendations correctly, I'll be doing 2 High Impact, 2 low impact, 1 interval(step & lifting combo?) 2 overall body lifting & 1 extra "trouble spot" lift.
hmmm.... So that means on days that I do low impact, I should also do an overall body lift?
I've never been a fan of low impact. I never feel like I really get my heart rate up. How long should it be? Any suggested tapes?
If I work out 6 days a week - that'd be something like:
Monday/Fri - Hi impact
Tues- overall lift
Wed - Interval
Thurs - Low Impact & "Trouble spot lift"
Saturday - Overall lift & low impact

That would allow me to get all the workouts in. Does that sound right?

I believe I'm consistent - just not focused on the right things. Oh & I won't lie.... I have a sweet tooth - which is usually what kills my "clean eating". So some will power in the kitchen & a few more cardio workouts... and I'll be on my way.

Thanks soo much!! I did MIC tonight & it definitely kicked in the cardio!! I felt like I was in the gym with you! I don't know how you do it!

thank you thank you!
Hi Erin! I'd like to clarify and answer some of your questions. A low intensity workout does not mean a low impact workout:). It just means a challenging workout done to a lesser degree of intensity. So whether you prefer a hi impact, low impact, or mixed impact workout, they can all be done in a higher or lower intensity fashion.

Also an interval workout is not a step and lifting combo workout(I'm assuming since you put this in parenthesis with a question mark that you were asking me:)) but rather an extremely high intensity cardio workout generated by multiple spurts of heavy workloads mixed with active recovery time. If you want a better idea of this, please access the film clip of our Intervalmax to get a sense of what I mean.

Your workout format looks great if you have the time to manage it.

Here are some suggestions you asked for:

Monday: High Intensity........Step Fit (step aerobics) done all out and working very hard (obviously after you learn the moves)

Tuesday: Maximum Intensity body workout

Wed: Interval workout........Interval Max (super high intensity, work yourself up to this)

Thurs: Lower Intensity and trouble spot lift.......Can go for a 20 to 30 minute run. Don't push too hard but stay somewhere at the lower to moderate end of your training zone. Then do about three to four exercises at 10 to 12 reps each(from tapes or on your own)of your trouble spot(s) area.

Fri: High Intensity: Maximum Intensity Cardio (a hi/lo and step workout which you will need to work up to, well actually you just did it so I guess you know what to expect now).

Sat: Overall lift and lower intensity workout.......Again do Maximum Intensity Strength and a lower to moderate 20 to 30 minute run.

Sun: Recover, ahhhhhhh

Good Luck:)!
Cathe! Thanks for all the clarification! My goodness.... I was OFF on my understandings!
If Interval is as you explained - then what is Circuit Max (and where do I fit it in, b/c I love it!)
And what do you classify a "Step & Lift" type tape, as? High, Low, Interval....?
Where do I fit my Slow & Heavy Series? I plan to use the Legs part of Legs/Shoulders as my "Trouble Spot" lift. But what about the rest? I guess I can only use those if I plan 2 whole workouts on the same day - all the time. Or is this a different type of rotation.
One more comment - you mentioned MIS twice. I also have Power Hour. I figured I could alternate those both for my overall lift days. But I was wondering - do you prefer MIS to Power Hour? Or was this just a suggestion?

I don't have Step Fit or Interval Max, but my girlfriend raves about Interval Max, so I plan to get that. Do you have other truely "Interval" workouts?
I have a few more only step tapes from you - so I have that covered.

Oh, & do you just assume Abs is an every day thing? (that is what I usually do) I wish you had an abs tape, that had all your short ab circuits at the end of your tapes, on one. :)
I am still on the old VHS tapes... and I get antsy forwarding to get there. (Patience! Not one of my better qualities) :)

Thanks again!! Awesome Info! I've never had any questions be answered so "ON" - for lack of a better way to describe it. I really appreciate your time!

Great topic Erin, and Thanks to Cathe for the great replies!! I've been looking for a rotation that will help me get rid of some fat, most of which is on my lower half. I'm printing this one out and will definitely watch for anything else to get added.

The reference to clean eating was timely. I just adopted this as of last saturday. No sugar and no white flour. It's amazing how much junk this has cut from my diet, and consequently, how many "empty" calories as well! I'm still eating 1400-1600/day, but it's not as easy without the white flour and sugars. So that means my calories are actually FUELING my body for once! My clothes are loosening up and my weight is down 5 lbs allready!

Now, onto the exercise part of this goal! Thanks again Cathe!

Hi Erin!

A "step and lift" tape would be called a circuit workout. The circuit workout that I made (Circuit Max) actually incorporates lifting spurts between three different types of cardio spurts (step, hi/lo, and kickbox). If you were going to use circuit Max in your rotation, you could classify it as more of a cardiovasular workout along with light muscle conditioning. You could do this workout on a day where you don't have a lot of time to workout but you want to touch a little on cardio and weights. You could also use it in place of a cardio day since the weight spurts in this tape keeps the legs working hard, therefore, not allowing the heart rate to drop out of its training zone.

Trying to fit the entire slow and heavy series in would be a different rotation, but just using the legs portion of it for your trouble spot workout will work just fine in your program.

MIS uses a bit heavier weight than Power Hour and also promotes more muscle growth than Power Hour. Power Hour is long reps of the same exercises stimulating total muscle endurance. While MIS taps does tap into muscle endurance, it promotes more strength gains than Power Hour does. If you were going to do either/or I would recommend doing each one, once a week.

Interval Max is the only true interval tape that I have. Remember, interval workouts should only be performed once a week since they are highly demanding on the body.

I only think it is necessary to work abs three to four times per week

Take Care!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Feb-23-02 AT 11:44PM (Est)[/font][p]Great thread. Alas this is my problem too. I've been in pretty decent shape most my life and was in very good shape 10 years ago. My goal is to get get back to 10 years ago (folks tell me I can't so added motivation). I know the gelitan syndrome and summer shorts YUCK -

Karen - how is the no white flour and no sugar going? maybe i'll try that.
I just finished week 3 of S&H and LOVE it. I also like the idea of getting in running. I'm not crazy about pure step but may try out interval max (it's the only tape I just am not wild about). Glad circuit max can be fit in. Erin- let us know how it goes!
Cathe! Thanks so much for all the answers! I think you answered every last question!
I liked your definition of MIS vs. Power Hour. I've always wondered why I feel more "pain" from MIS. I'm also excited I can fit almost all of my tapes into this rotation.
I did Body Max this morning & I'm happy to say I made it through the whole thing :) (not with all your spunk, but I need SOMEthing to strive for, right??) :)
Tomorrow I begin my new rotation!
Thanks so much for all your help!!
I'll let you know how it goes!!

Happy Workouts!!
Good Bye Geletin!!
OK - One week down & all I can say is OH MY.
The rotation kicked my butt.... It's very interesting how switching up a workout week really makes a difference. I've always worked out 5-6 days a week... but this week taught me a ton!! (i.e. don't put target toning the day before OVERALL lifting! I won't make THAT mistake again)
Also - I received Interval Max & NOW I realize why this is a ONE OF A KIND tape. I have a long way to go with that one.... No concerns with being bored with this workout!
I feel really strong - though tired... and I think I can tell this rotation is going to give some nice results - especially in the geletin department!!
We'll see... It's only been one week, but I really enjoy it.
More next week!
This thread really got me interested back in Feb.

How is the rotation going?

Funny this nudged me to do interval max and to get the 3 days a week for lower body and to start clean eating!

Hope it is going well for you
RE: Geletin??? Is it inevitable?? What next?

Hi Robyn, Cathe & Everyone!
I was actually thinking about posting my progress!
It's been 6 weeks & I think it's working! I've only missed one day of my rotation & I actually made it up on other days that week.
I have noticed a huge change in my geletin. There still is some - depending on how I'm sitting - but I think I've seen improvement. Unfortunately - Easter fell in the middle of this. I'm SURE that my lack of clean eating ALL the time has slowed down my progress. My legs are MUCH stronger. And I can tell that if I were to slim off a little more of the fat I'd have some incredible muscle tone!

Now - My question! What next? I planned to do this for about 8-9 weeks. Do I continue? Do I start a different routine? I feel like my thighs have gotten larger. I'm sure that If I could get the clean eating a little better - then my thighs would shrink a little....

SO Cathe - if you can answer that - awesome!
I've never had a "rotation" before. But I really like having it! I stick to my workouts much better. Oh & btw - I've come a LONG way with Interval Max!!

Thanks for everything! I think I'll be on time for swimsuit season!!

Hi Susan-Lynn ...
YES - Geletin is my affectionate way to refer to the terrible cellulite that I find on my thighs...
I'm sure that isn't a technical word...

And YOU my friend are quite lucky - to not know what it is, you must not have this problem. :)
I'm so jealous!

You made me laugh with your "affectionate" name for cellulite.

I call mine "rimpling, dimpling cellulite". When I mention it, it tends to make people chuckle which makes it seem not so serious. :)


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