Good Morning DGT!
Good Morning!
This morning I did Abs/Core + and Interval X+. I did Abs first. It was quite an intense ab workout. I loved the variety and I really felt my core working the most with the hanging moves, especially the hanging up and overs. A couple of moves like the Wood Chopper and Discus Thrower were like Lunge & Reach in Core Syn only you keep your feet stationary. I felt like I was working a lot harder in Interval X+ than my heart rate monitor showed. I was having a little trouble breathing but I don't know if I tired myself out too much doing Abs first. Tony does 20 moves at three varying degrees of impact. You get a minute water break and do the same 20 moves but in reverse order. The only thing I didn't like was the pushups. I just wanted a total cardio workout. One pushup was the 3 count pushup where you hold for one count down and one count up, then hold for 2 counts down and 2 up and then 3 down and 3 up. The Carlito 3 way pushup is a burpee. First time it's done in kind of slow motion and then works his way up to jumping back, pushup, jump in and jump up. After Chest & Back yesterday, I really didn't feel like doing pushups. This is about a 41 minute workout and I burned 271 calories. I actually liked the minute intervals better, they gave you more time build up to each interval. With the 30 second ones, my HR wasn't able to go back down that fast. I really enjoyed Interval X+ and it went by very quickly. I burned 160 calories with Abs + just to give you an idea of how intense that one is.
In case you're interested, here are the moves for Abs/Core+:
Hanging toe tap knee raises - :30
Tip-Toe Crunch (R) - :28
Tip-Toe Crunch (L) - :28
Scorpion Plank w/twist - :55
Spread leg, banana cannonball - :30
Hanging up and overs - :31
Discus thrower (R) - :39
Discus thrower (L) - :34
Warrior Bow (R) - :33
Warrior Bow (L) - :31
Scissor climber - :28
Hanging knee kick - :39
Wood chopper (R) - :36
Wood chopper (L) - :36
Downdog crunch - 1:37
Banana mason - :32
Mixed Bike - :32
X Crunch (R) - :30
X Crunch (L) - :26
Plange sphinx to plank - :30
Weighted seated back stroke - :35
Hanging pelvic tilt - :29
Straight leg X Crunch (R) - :27
Straight leg X Crunch (L) - :24
360* Chatarunga - :33
Cherry Bomb - 1:00
Cooldown - :40
and here are the moves for Interval X+:
Warm up - 5:25
Run in Place - 1:00
Knee Kick, Front Kick (R) - :31
Knee Kick, Front Kick (L) - :31
Hop Squats - 1:00
Charleston Kick (R) - :31
Charleston Kick (L) - :30
Loading Dock (R) - :34
Loading Dock (L) - :32
Jockey Squats - 1:00
Tires - 1:03
Speed Skaters - 1:00
3 count push ups - 1:05
80/20 squats (R) - :30
80/20 Squats (L) - :30
Side Lunge, Side Kick (R) - :30
Side Lunge, Side Kick (L) - :30
Deep Jack Seats - 1:00
Plyo Lunge - 1:00
Jacks - 1:02
Carlito 3-way Push ups - 1:01
Water Break - 1:05
Repeat the entire sequence backwards starting with the Carlito 3-way push ups
Cooldown - 3:20
Deanie - I had started to miss Cathe cardio too. It was also wierd not stepping for three months considering it's my favorite cardio. You were so lucky to have a built-in workout room. Sounds like you have a big house. I've never been in a home with a sub-basement.
Gin - I watched Dance Wars last night. They eliminated Charity (who was on Bruno's team) but I'm not surprised. I was actually surprised he picked her in the first place; I didn't think she was that good. Lacey did great in the Aretha Franklin number - Think. I liked Bruno's first number and Carrie Ann's second number so it was hard to pick. I think I still voted for Bruno's team in the end.
Tracee - Welcome Back! Glad to hear from you. Maybe you can send your kids to Deanie's so they can play and you can work out!;-)