Fun Question!! How has exercise and cleaner eating ...


changed your life?

I thought it would be interesting to hear what you all had to say. I thought of this question based on two recent experiences.

The first is that people keep asking me if I have been on vacation b/c I look so well rested. Since I have started back on the Weight Watcher program, drinking more water and eating cleaner, the small amount of resistant acne I had has cleared, so now my face and complexion look so smooth- thus people think I look "well rested".

The second experience is reading magazine articles recommending exercises. I used to tear the pages out to try them later. Now I am recognizing the exercises from Cathe or others dvds and don't feel the need to tear them out. Specifically, in the June issue of Women's Health there was a test to see how fit you are. It had several exercises to test yourself with or to improve your fitness. Each one of the exercises is in one of Cathe's workouts!!
I'd say that I use it as a natural anti-depressant...coming from a family with bi-polar as well as 'standard' depressive tendencies, and having experienced the same myself...that is huge.

My mind feels better...I agree with the Greeks and the mind-body connection...I feel 'stronger' in personality, more 'competent' and better able to face challenges in the rest of my life.

I think the body feeling better fuels the mind feeling better and vice versa. I love the general feeling of feeling healthy and I love seeing myself progress.

In general, I feel 'cleaner' as well as healthier. I'm relieved that I will age better.

And the shallow part of me...enjoys the attention from the opposite sex. :)

Good for you for taking your well being under your control!!! And it is not shallow to like attention from the opposite sex!!! That is what God created phermones for! LOL!!!!!!! They give off the scent and we give off the scent- nature is in balance. ;-)
For me it's about the whole package. I feel better about myself physically, mentally and spirtually. The whole deal. I'm more confident, am able to handle stress and those down moments better and I feel that I am more in sync with my body. People ask me why I never get sick and then laugh and say, oh yeah you eat healthier than the rest of us. Oh...and the attention from the opposite sex is nice too!! :D
Still working on it:)


I have always worked out but never ate clean and never really paid attention to what I ate. My metabolism is pretty good and I thought all the working out I did was enough (I do think that's what keeps my metabolism higher).

Anyway, I started clean eating about a month and a half ago because I wanted to be healthier and feel better. It has done that and more. I feel great and definitely have more energy. I have also noticed that I am seeing way more definition and my stomach is completely flat and I can see my stomach muscles more than before (although I will never have abs like Cathe!!!). Overall, since eating clean I have lost a few pounds but more than that, I notice a positive change in how my body looks.

I am happy with my results thus far.
ok, working out = SANITY around my house!:+
and cleaner/healther eating = me being a happier me!:7

With my two small children,cleaning+all the "chores",cooking,part-time student....working out is something I do for myself! And Boy does it release alot of stress! Im not 100% a clean eater but I do Try(sometimes;-))
RE: Fun Question!! How has exercise and cleaner eating...

Working out is a natural high .. a stress reliever .. strength builder .. confidence builder .. and a way of life ...for me!

I don't eat "clean" .. but try to eat healthy .. I don't obsess . .but I do want to live a long and healthy life!!:)

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