No arguments about Ms. Fitzgerald here. Music is such a huge part of me, you all know what I mean.Chapters of our lives are marked with certain songs and stuff. Okay, enough tneah...I will spare you all that....
I too love me some Sarah, but have to be in the right "mood" for her. I tend to get quite nostalgic and teary when listening to her.

Yeah, music does that to me. Sinead O'Conner was pretty awesome at times...I am not that crazy about the new gals, Rhinna, Fergie,Beyonce....they annoy. But Gwen Stefani used to sound great a few years back, hate her new stuff though...sorry Gwennie, you were better when you were 'rockin" the Love, Angel, Music, Baby!
I think Phoebe Snow is my favorite for sure, Poetry Man? I like to pretend I am some hippie doin' my thing, listening to some Phoebe Snow....I know, I am a dork, music does that to me.
I tend to like male singers/bands better than women for some reason. Currently I have rediscovered the Smashing Pumpkins and am listening to "Eye"over and over again....very cool song.
I love Prince, Luther Vandross, George Benson, Trent Reznor, Ozzy, Sisters of Mercy and "Woman" by John Lennon has to be the most beautiful love song ever written.

"Joy" by Teddy Pendergrass is another movin' and groovin' tune...he is so good. Man, could I ever go on and on like an old windbag!