I am so glad I have this forum - and my new road trip friends - as my family members understand NOTHING about what my goals are or fitness in general. My husband, does understand, bless him, and has just joined the workout manager! But my two brothers are like toxic clouds whenever I try to discuss it with either one. My one brother, who is an M.D., just asked me to tell him about the road trip last week. So, I told him about the road trip events and sent him some of my treasured photos. He emailed me back with "Is Cathy on steroids - she must be" name spelled wrong, of course - anyway it is all I can do to prevent myself from getting really mad and "yelling at him" over email. Again thank goodness I have all of you folks to share my fitness thoughts and enthusiasm for Cathe's workouts with!!! Please forgive my expression of frustration, but I felt the need to "vent" someplace. What has anyone else experienced with this kind of situation?
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