

The price of fresh fruit is becoming extremely high watermelon is now 4.50 here in manhattan, ks. and cantaloupe is 3.00, I also like pineapple but it too is 4.00 apples and every other fruit is 1.80 a pound what a some cheaper alternatives?
I try to buy local and in season, if at all possible when it comes to fruits and veggies. You are paying $4.00 for pineapple; I live where it grows (Hawaii) and I am paying close to $3.00.
Just a little aside; When I was pregnant with my first baby, we were living in Japan and fresh fruit was almost non-existant. It was summertime and I was craving fresh fruit. I caved and bought 2 fresh nectarines at a Japanese grocery/department store. They were $15.00 a piece, US, $30.00! I must say, regardless of the rediculous cost, they were the juiciest, most delicious nectarines I ever ate :9

Frozen fruit is another way to go. I put it in smoothies with my protein powder.

I'd rather pay $4.00 for watermelon or pineapple than $4.00 for a bag of chips!

My mom thinks nothing of paying full price for Oreos but she won't buy grapes unless they are less than $1/lb. Crazy to me.

Even tho you feel like you're paying a lot for produce now, think of how much you'd be paying later if you ate food from the snack aisle.

Your body thanks you!
That is so funny! My mom is like that too. She gets mad at me because when I go to the store, I buy the produce I want, end of story. She is like "are you really going to pay 3.99 for those raspberries?" but thinks nothing of buying 2 12 packs of diet whatever.
Here in Texas it seems everything is more expensive this year and the great peaches we always have haven't been very good, maybe too much rain.:-(

I've been buying some of it, but when necarines and peaches are 2.49/lb I pass. I live in No VA. I don't feel so bad if we eat it all, but I cringe when I have to throw some of it away.

watermelons; 4-7 depending on the size.

pineapples; 3.00 stable over the last year.

cantalopes: 2-4

nectarines and peaches; 1.49 (on a good day) 2.49 regularly

grapes; over $2/lb

strawberries; vary, Costco is reasonable right now

apples; vary, never less than 99/lb, usually 1.49

Any other berries; out of sight.

What about sweet potatoes? They are averaging .69 per lb for something that is probably simple to grow.

Yes, everything is more expensive - food in general, and definitely fresh fruit. I did a budget analysis this weekend and was not happy. But the problem is food and gas. Both very necessary items, and both very expensive. The only way I can think to cut costs is to buy extra cheap food (which means poor quality), and I won't do that!!!!!
I buy my fruits and vegetables at an internationanl supermarket, and buy my meat and milk at a regular grocery store. I tryed several asian markets until I found the cleanest one. I really save money shopping this way.
I'm glad I'm not the only one feeling the pinch. With three kids, trying to supply healthy snacks and f/v is getting expensive! Yes, chips and cookies are expensive. But, before I started pushing the f/v, we still ate pretty healthy - just more carbs: such as homemade pumpkin bread or some kind of muffins, etc. I've also started buying organic milk at Sam's, but I may have to go back - our grocery bill is sky high the past 2+ months! x( Marnie
I bought a $5 watermelon last week, but it was from the local farmer's market so I didn't mind paying that...and it was delicious!!

I buy frozen berries for my protein shakes and buy frozen mixed fruit for fruit salad. I try and buy other fruit when it's in season or on sale, but sometimes I'm just willing to pay a bit more for the fruit.

BTW, I see you're in Manhattan, KS...are you attached to the base out there? My brother (currently in Iraq) is based out of Ft. Riley and should be coming home next month.
I have noticed increasing prices in produce too. I have just been sucking it up and paying. Dh went to the grocery store with me a week ago and when we left he said I can't believe we have $120 worth of food here. I said that's what you get when you buy healthy. I also said and the government wonders why americans are fat......but that's a whole other issue!}(
I too have noticed the increase. We have been trying to stay with organics. Wow, the cost is through the roof. I paid more than 6.00 for a med sized head of califlower last week. I didn't realize the price until I checked the bill at home. Also, I bought 6 pink grapefruit and they were over 14.00!
>I'd rather pay $4.00 for watermelon or pineapple than $4.00
>for a bag of chips!

I agree!
But I'd probably eat both in the same short amount of time!
I do so much better at the local farmer's markets (as long as I don't go to the ones in the Ritzy areas!).

The only really good tasting alternative is Whole Foods (or as my friend calls it - Whole Paycheck). The rest of the places have flat and boring fruits.
Fruits and veggies are reasonable here. Like some have already said, I try to buy what is in season/on sale. I paid 99 cents for a giant watermelon last week and I bought four of them! Most things in season I pay $1 or less per pound.

There is a Sunflower Market near my home (same owners who started up Wild Oats, but the store is pretty basic/warehouse like inside and have MUCH MUCH lower prices). Keep an eye out for this store, there are a handful in the southwest, and they are starting to pop up more and more.
No, but I work for a medical supply store and we do alot of business with the base. We provide a variety of services. My husband works for sara lee bakery delivering bread.
Totally off topic! But, Go K-State! (My father went there!) It was neat to see someone from Manhattan, KS!!

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