Friends borrowing Cathe Dvds


Ok, I have a little problem. Now that I am back from the roadtrip, I have a couple of friends that want to borrow my Cathe dvds. Is it totally wrong to be extremely reluctant to do this? I think I have an unatural attachment to them! I am so worried that they will end up damaged or even worse, never see them again!! I use them so frequently, too. My friend saw the look on my my face when she asked if she could borrow one, and she was offended!! I don't want to be rude; any suggestions on how to handle this? Should I just lend them out and pray they come back to me quickly and in useable condition? Or should I say no and risk a friendship???:eek: Thanks, Nancy J.~~
I would be happy to lend mine to a friend, because I know they would be happy to replace them if lost or damaged. Can you ask your friend if she is willing to do this without offending her more?
If they get cable suggest they catch her on Fit TV. I would be very reluctant to lend any of my Cathe DVDs as I use them all the time and they are very expensive to replace. You never know which one you will want to reach for as your next workout. Sorry but they are not leaving my house. Of course you could ask for a deposit and see how fast they change their mind!
I would be reluctant to do this too! I don't think my non-Cathe friends "get" how valuable those DVDs are to me. :eek: Here's how I might handle it - invite my friend over to try a Cathe DVD with me, in my home. That way, she can see if she likes it without you having to give away your precious DVD. ;)

Oh yeah, and I almost forgot about FitTv - just tell your friend to record her workotus from FitTv. Even better!
I would never lend mine out. Is there a way you can invite her over and preview it with her? Or maybe give her a time limit? Tell her that she can borrow it until Friday, when you need it back because it's on your rotation for that day?
I guess this is the one up side to not really having any friends nearby (mine are spread all over the country). I like the idea of having her come over and try it with you or directing her to fit tv. I'm LOL at the deposit idea! ;)
I would lend out one of my Cathe's that I'm not using very much and I would certainly give a time limit. I would say "I need this back by Friday" (or whenever). And of course, only people I really trust would get to borrow them.

If you're friend is offended and just doesn't understand, then oh well Too bad for her. Tell her to go buy her own Cathe dvd and then she'll understand why you don't lend them out!!

Honestly, it depends on the friend. I have some very responsible friends and some that aren't so responsible. I would lend Cathe DVDs out to the responsible friends with a reasonable time limit, like others suggested. However, for the irresponsible friends, there's no way. Maybe I would invite them over to workout with me or something, but there is no way I would lend it to them. I can just hear it now. Oh, I put the DVD on the floor afterwards and my dog scratched it with their paws x( .
I don't ever loan out my Cathe DVD's. However, I currently have some Cathe VHS duplicates out on loan...with the understanding, "you break it, you buy it" thought. Even then, my Cathe's are on loan to my neighbor friend, so I know exactly where they are. My Cathe's are very special to me so even the VHS will only be loaned out to someone I know and trust and also know that she will do the workouts. I'm very protective of my Cathes. :)
I'd give one as a gift before ever lending them out. My 16 year old loves KPC but she's under threat of serious bodily harm if she does not return it to the shelf, exactly as she found it.

<-- protective of Cathe DVDs
Sure they do. But they're expensive. And I think for a lot of us they have a great deal of sentimental value because of what Cathe has done for us, physically and otherwise:)
***hangs her head in shame***

But I did specify that I'd only loan them to friends who I'd trust would replace them. I'm not standing on a street corner handing them out to the homeless.
sorry but my Cathe workouts stay in my home - if they want to preview thenm invite them over for a peek but I would not absolutely not lend them out.

Items such as those have a habit of never returning to the owner so I would not risk it.
Simply say you don't lend them out (Smile "Sorry, I don't lend out my workout DVD's"). Nothing personal against these particular people. If they don't take that as an answer, it's their problem. How is refusing to lend them out any more rude than wanting to borrow something from someone? If that's enough to ruin a friendship, it wasn't much of a friendship to begin with, IMO.

I would never lend out a workout DVD that I wanted to keep. I read too many stories of people not returning them, or ruining or losing them, and frankly I don't trust people to get things back to me in the same condition that I lent them out (after getting back some loaned books that looked like they were dropped in the bathtub....let's hope that's where it was!)

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