Friends borrowing Cathe Dvds

I lent KPC out about 3 weeks ago and I have yet to get it back. To make it worse, SHE HASN'T DONE IT BUT ONCE!!! She said it was too difficult for her, but was going to try again. UGH...GIVE IT BACK!

I'm still waiting....

You guys all hang with the wrong people! I've loaned out Cathe to at least two people and gotten them back with no trouble. And neither person ever wanted to borrow another. I think Cathe scared them.
It depends on the friend. I would loan them only to a select few people who I know understand that they are under serious threat of bodily harm if they do not return them timely and in good condition.
I've loaned mine to family...but I know their deepest secrets and they will give them back to me....and I've even given some of my VHS copies away(to family and friends) after of course I have the DVD at my house.
Never, ever, ever would I lend anyone a Cathe DVD. I have loaned out other things to good friends & never seen them again.


I have not had good luck with loaning out workout videos. So, no I probably would not do it again. I would suggest watching the clips first to see if there is any interest and I would even arrange a viewing at my house. I have a designated workout room that could be used with privacy.

If I thought it was really important, I might loan one out with very specific instructions and knowing in the back of my mind that I would have to repurchase the workout. I value my workouts but I value my close friends more.

Does this friend do video (DVD) workouts on a regular basis? If they are a fanatic about them, as I am, then I would be okay with lending a DVD out. I'd also specify a time to have it returned.

If they were only a casual video-workout kind of person, then no. I don't think someone who didn't have the "fever" would take care of a DVD as I would.


I'm a little nuts, but never!

I have, for 3 friends and my sister, bought them their first Cathe DVD... not all at the same time! I could never afford to buy four at once - and none of them for me ;(
Each of them has bought more on their own - which of course was all part of my evil plan }(
I lend out mine - I just make sure they know how expensive they are and that I LOVE THEM and if something happens could they promise to replace it....and....

I tell them I am a freak about getting them back in a month and I never lend out the ones in my rotation, but I have turned many people on to Cathe now - she is the gold standard!
I lent a few to my neighbor directly across the street once. Then I sat anxiously staring out my front window for several days, waiting for their return. No kidding. They came back fine, but due to the anxiety it caused me, I'll never lend again.
someone u can trust and have her phone number. i lent one to a friend at work so i see her almost every day and call her on the phone every so often to remind her. i told her that i totally trust her but i dont want me and her to forget about it because once that happened to me and my bathing suit and $400 sunglasses got ruined!

Thanks, everyone, for your suggestions. I'm still on the fence about what to do. Its so funny; I used to lend Firm tapes out without a second thought. But Cathe??? Hmmm. Thats different!!!;) Take care, Nancy J.~~~
I foolishly loaned my Kick Max to a co-worker and it took weeks and several reminders to get it back. Even then, I don't think she ever did the workout. Sure glad I finally got it back, because she moved to another state not long after that!!:eek:

I know this is not nearly as valuable as a Cathe dvd, but I have loaned books to friends that I have never seen again. My philosophy....if you loan something to someone, you may never get it back.:-(

Like my DH says, "never loan anything you cannot afford to get back". Well, we all know how we all feel about someone not returning a Cathe DVD!}( Grrrr.

I would instead, lend them an oldie, I have an old collection of crummy Billy Blanks (when he was into that "power within" stage and totally sucked!) which I cheerfully lend to anyone who asks!:) Oh, and by the way a true friend would totally understand, have her log onto this web site and order one for herself. She could preview and everything right?
LOL, I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who's soo over-protective about her Cathe workouts. I want to help people get in shape if I can, but I'm soo paranoid about lending out my workouts. I have a friend I loan a couple of workouts to once. Luckily they weren't Cathe workouts, but a couple of what were then my favorite workouts. She must have kept them for over a month, and ended up bringing them back to me telling me that she may as well give them back to me because she hadn't had the time to do them!! After a Month! I could have been using them the whole time. Ever since them, I am very hesitant about lending my workouts. I'll lend them to my sister, and so far that's it, lol.
My first Cardio Hits DVD got badly gouged by my DD and was unplayable. To replace it cost almost $50, with shipping. I don't have tons of cash laying around to replace my things and besides, my fitness stuff is the only thing that is really "mine" in my house. So yeah, I understand that they make more, but for me it's a matter of principle.
Just explain that loaning out Cathe DVDs is sorta like loaning out your wedding ring. Not impossible, but not something you really want to do on a regular basis. Of course, they will think you are totally nuts, but maybe they already knew that...

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