Freestyle rotations

RE: Question for freestylers


If you can, get the latest book from snyder productions! He's always updating ! Also, I believe every book has Barbara Hall on the cover!

I found a rotation link that I'll paste below as well as a few thigh blasting rotations that I saved from there!

original w/ firms
*** Week 1
1 -- Vol 1
2 -- SL + TCM
3 -- Vol 2 (or rest)
4 -- SL + NSTA
5 -- Vol 4 + TAM
6 -- LBS + SC
7 -- rest

*** Week 2 - "***
1 -- Vol 3
2 -- SL + FB
3 -- Vol 5 + NSTA (or rest)
4 -- TT + SBHT
5 -- SL+ TCM
6 -- Vol 1
7 -- rest

*** Week 3 - "
1 -- Vol 2
2 -- SL + NSTA
3 -- SC (or rest)
4 -- LBS + CSM
5 -- SL + FB
6 -- Vol 1
7 -- rest

*** Week 4 -!" week ***
1 -- Vol 4 + LBS
2 -- SL + NSTA
3 -- Vol 2 (or rest)
4 -- Vol 3
5 -- SL + TCM
6 -- UB + TAM
7 -- rest

updated version w/ cathe

Vol. 1
SL + CTX Kickboxing, cardio and abs only
Vol.2 (or rest)
CTX LL + CTX All Step
LBSc + Cardio Kicks up to the drills (but if you want to do the whole thing, go for it!)
Vol. 4 + CTX 10-10-10

Vol. 3
Vol. 5 + CTX 10-10-10 cardio
CTX LL + CTX Step and Intervals (cardio only)
Vol. 1
SL+CTX Kickboxing
Power Hour + floorwork from PS Legs

Vol. 2
CTX LL + CTX Kickboxing
Step Fit or any other long cardio
LBSc+MIC hi-lo
SL+MIC step

Vol. 4 + floorwork from PS Legs and Abs
standing legwork from PS Legs and Abs plus CTX 10-10-10
Vol.2 (or rest)
Vol. 1
CTX LL + Cardio Kicks up to the drills (but feel free to do the whole thing if you feel like it)
Power Hour, upper body work only, plus CTX Power Circuit, cardio only

*** Week 1 ***
1 -- Vol 1
2 -- SL + FB
3 -- Vol 2
4 -- SL + CB
5 -- UB + SBHT

*** Week 2 ***
1 -- GHAS + Vol 1 (2nd half / floorwork)
2 -- SL + MC
3 -- SC
4 -- TT + SBHT
5 -- Vol 2

*** Week 3 ***
1 -- UB + Vol 1 (2nd half / floorwork)
2 -- SL + CB
3 -- TCM + SBHT
4 -- SL + MC
5 -- Vol 1

*** Week 4 ***
1 -- UB + SBHT
2 -- SL + FB
3 -- Vol 2
4 -- SL + CB
5 -- GHAS + Vol 1 (2nd half / floorwork)

*** Week 5 ***
1 -- Vol 1
2 -- LBSp
3 -- Vol 2
4 -- SL + CB
5 -- GHAS + SBHT

*** Week 6 ***
1 -- FS
2 -- MC + Vol 1 (2nd half / floorwork)
3 -- TT2 + FB
4 -- Vol 5 (with rewind)
5 -- LBSp

*** Week 7 ***
1 -- GHAS + SBHT
2 -- SL + MC
3 -- CSM + optional - floor legwork from Vol 1
4 -- LBSp
5 -- Vol 2

*** Week 8 ***
1 -- TBSM
2 -- Vol 1
3 -- SL + CB
4 -- UB + SBHT
5 -- SL + FB

This link below should be very helpful for creating various Freestyle rotations! (Seems like most of these were on the fanatics site, so dig in and please add your versions to this thread ;-)

ETA: you'll need to be a member to view the above link
RE: Question for freestylers


Thanks for posting. That is exactly what I am looking for. I will start to use it next week. I will use Cathe's version.

That is my best New Year Gift!

Thanks, Delphene


"Become the change you want to see in the world. Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever." - Mahatma Gandhi
RE: Question for freestylers

Thanks, Carole and Delphene.

I'm definitely not a Firm fan, but I registered with the site and am not finding the freestyle thread. Guidance, please, in finding that?

Thanks for the rotations--although I have all of Cathe's workouts except for the beginner/intermediate stuff, I'm not crazy about most of the stuff prior to the Intensity series, except for Imax 1 and a few other step workouts. From CTX I'll do LL, and the UB premix. I also have Mindy Mylrea, Tae Bo, a slide board, BOSU, jump rope, stairclimber, running shoes, bike, and at work I use our rowing machine and elliptical. I'm very active and can't do steady state cardio--too boring, I have to keep challenging myself, mixing it up (intervals). I think this will work with a freestyle approach, since this is how I enjoy working out.

This a.m. I did Breakthru Pilates Sculpt, that a friend loaned me as I was going to teach a pilates fusion class for her (which I don't do, so she gave me this tape to model a class after). It was easy--a few reps of one move, then on to a few reps of another. I think it's designed for new exercisers, who don't enjoy exercising. Your thoughts on this series?

So the goal in freestyle is to choose a weight that one can get about 20+ quality reps, at least with the legs? And since I'm naturally muscular, and would like to decrease my muscularity along with the mid-40's fat my body's loving to hold onto, the recommendation for my build is still upper body 2x a week? Because I've been lifting heavy for UB this month 2x a week, and my arms are noticeably bigger. So I'm lifting less weight, more reps.

I've been trying to accept that even tho I eat cleaner and work out more than I did pre-mid-30's, I just can't have the lean athletic body I knew and loved. This thread has me questioning that.

How long before you all saw changes--esp any experienced fit individuals who switched to this style?

Thanks, everyone,
RE: Question for freestylers

would p;ilates side series be okay to do for freestyle rotation on the lower body daily?
RE: Question for freestylers


On the posted yaya link above search for lowerbody solution rotations, (similiar method) you'll find a few more!

Hopefully others will add their versions or rotations they seen somewhere else here, to add to the variety ;-)

To answer your q? "How long before you all saw changes?" I did the lowerbody solution 21 day workout in the book faithfully and was sold ;-) I Couldn't believe the slimming effect! I worked up to the 5 sets 6x a week,stayed there til I reached my goal and now for maintenance , I do 3 sets of 15-20 of 4-5 exercises 4-5x a week-if I'm wanting to fine tune , (because of indulging ) I increase various variables such as frequency 6 x max, cardio, sets 6-7 or reps 30-35!

This was eye opening what you wrote, cause you are not alone, I hear it all the time at my work "I've been trying to accept that even tho I eat cleaner and work out more than I did pre-mid-30's, I just can't have the lean athletic body I knew and loved. This thread has me questioning that.

Even though it does get harder as we get older , You can still have the body you love ! Find what works for you and not against you and be realistic of your goals! Hang in there , you'll be the best you yet ;-)
RE: Another Question


I like your rotation by using LM. Are you going to repeat it after two weeks?



"Become the change you want to see in the world. Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever." - Mahatma Gandhi
RE: Another Question

Hello everyone-

This thread has given me wonderful information and has taught me so much about Freestyle. I am very interested in starting this but had a question. I read that Freestyle is geared to more pear shaped bodies and concentrates more on legs and abs. Although my legs could definitely use some work, my problem areas are all in my middle (stomach, back fat, and bigger chest). I have forever struggled with this and want to get rid of it once and for all!

So, would freestyle even be what I should be looking in to? If not, any suggestions on any other type of training? I am committed to doing whatever it takes!!

Thanks in advance!!!

RE: Another Question

>Hello everyone-
>This thread has given me wonderful information and has taught
>me so much about Freestyle. I am very interested in starting
>this but had a question. I read that Freestyle is geared to
>more pear shaped bodies and concentrates more on legs and abs.
>Although my legs could definitely use some work, my problem
>areas are all in my middle (stomach, back fat, and bigger
>chest). I have forever struggled with this and want to get rid
>of it once and for all!
>So, would freestyle even be what I should be looking in to? If
>not, any suggestions on any other type of training? I am
>committed to doing whatever it takes!!
>Thanks in advance!!!

I am certainly not an expert Kristen! But Freestyle will help your legs and abs and the cardio will help loose overall body fat. So you might want to try a Freestyle rotation for 4 weeks and then maybe a Cathe rotation for the next 4 to see how that works. I don't know if you have P90X but the Core Synergistics wirkout would help your stomach, back fat and maybe the bigger chest (bigger chest has never been an issue with me!!)...:)...Carole
RE: Another Question

Thank you Carole! I have heard some great things about P90X as well. So you use that and Cathe? Is that just to mix things up a bit?

RE: Another Question

>Thank you Carole! I have heard some great things about P90X
>as well. So you use that and Cathe? Is that just to mix things
>up a bit?

I got my best results with P90X, but it is geared more towards upper body and core. I lost inches in my legs but they were not very toned. So I have the extra time and though I'd try a P90X rotation along with Freestyle, and mix things up a bit...:)...Carole
RE: Another Question

I try to work in Lomax or at least the blasts every week in my freestyle work. Incorporating the lunge cycle exercises after each blast was just a little bit of torturous inspiration and like I warned before, potentially a little excessive. You can insert the lunge cycle after 4 of the 7 blasts (those without lunges in them or those you just find easier) and you'll still come out BLASTED!
I just keep working the legs trying to alternate floorwork with standing work every other day and getting at least 30 min. of cardio, preferably more, and at least an hour of cardio 3 times a week.
Have fun!
RE: Another Question

Thanks for clarification. I thought you did LM each blast and lunge every day.

Sorry for the silly question. What is floor work and what is standing work?

Correct me if I am wrong. So you did at least 3 hours cardio each week on top of leg workouts.



"Become the change you want to see in the world. Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever." - Mahatma Gandhi
RE: Question for freestylers

Wow this is the Thread that never ends..LOL


Thanks so much for bringing Freestyle to the forum, it is very interesting to say the very least. I have put together my own Freestyle rotation, would you mind taking a look and telling me what you think..

Monday: AM:Legs& glutes
PM:Bootcamp: cardio,upper body and Core(my own premix)
Tuesday:AM:30 minutes Hiit on Elliptical,
PM:Gym Style Legs
Wednesd:AM:Low Max
PM:Gym style shoulders& biceps, Ab RipperX
Thurs AM:Legs&Glutes leg press mania premix
PM:25 minutes Hiit on Elliptical.
Friday: AM High step challenge
PM:Core Max: tough abs, 200 walking lunges
Saturay:AM:Leaner Legs,
PM:Imax 3 blasts only
Sunday: Kick max

How does this look?

RE: Question for freestylers

>Wow this is the Thread that never ends..LOL
>Thanks so much for bringing Freestyle to the forum, it is very
>interesting to say the very least. I have put together my own
>Freestyle rotation, would you mind taking a look and telling
>me what you think..
>Monday: AM:Legs& glutes
> PM:Bootcamp: cardio,upper body and Core(my own
>Tuesday:AM:30 minutes Hiit on Elliptical,
> PM:Gym Style Legs
>Wednesd:AM:Low Max
> PM:Gym style shoulders& biceps, Ab RipperX
>Thurs AM:Legs&Glutes leg press mania premix
> PM:25 minutes Hiit on Elliptical.
>Friday: AM High step challenge
> PM:Core Max: tough abs, 200 walking lunges
>Saturay:AM:Leaner Legs,
> PM:Imax 3 blasts only
>Sunday: Kick max
>How does this look?

WOW!!! First off I can't take all the credit for bringing Freestyle here...:)...I learned about it from Beverly (run4fun) and Rhonda (rcook).

Your rotation looks tough. But I know how hard you workout! Just remember to back off on the weight amount for legs. Go light. Freestyle is 70% of the weight you normally used before. The only thing I might add is there might be too much High Intensity cardio. It is usually a rule to have 48 hours between each High intensity cardio to avoid injury. But...the elliptical is non-impact so that could be fine. Something to think about towards the end of your week!! Let me know how the week goes....:)...Carole
RE: Another Question

No problem:) And your questions aren't silly at all. Examples of floorwork include PLB stability ball section, GS Legs Stability Ball/Bandwork section, Leg and Glutes (I usually do the entire ankle weight section, even though you are standing for some of it, it is non-traditional leg work), the leg work on the floor at the end PS Legs and Abs, and I usually classify the leg drills from KM as non-traditional leg work as well.
I actually do much more cardio than that. I probably equal about 3 hour long cardio sessions a week (Step, Kickbox, Hi/Lo, and Running being my main sources) and about 3 sessions of 30 min. cardio, such as CTX, a shorter run, or a premix or mishmosh of my own styling. I usually aim for about 30 min. of leg work a day, and try for walking lunges (400 of them) approx. 3 days a week on top of other leg work. And abs about 4-5 times a week.
Hope this helps,
RE: Another Question

Thanks, Mattea.

Wow, you did so much cardio. I would like to do more, but I am short of time with two little kids. If you don't mind, could you share me with your full rotation? How long have you been doing this? Did you see any results?



"Become the change you want to see in the world. Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever." - Mahatma Gandhi
RE: Question for freestylers


I do not have more than an hour to work out each day. However, I am really interested in Freestyle training. Does anyone have any suggestions for rotations that incorporate this type of training that I can do within in a hour in the morning 5-6 days per week?? I want to make sure that I am still hitting arms heavy and abs.


RE: Another Question

I wish that I had a full rotation written up, it would make deciding what to do each day easier:D Right now I am working from Carole (Mcmain's) rotation that she posted in this thread, except that I am aiming for a one body part a day rotation for upper body instead of the multiple upper body parts twice a week that Carole does (the one body part tends to work best for my body. For this I usually use a section from CTX, PS, GS, of S&H). Also, I don't run as much as Carole (mostly because it is sloppy winter here:-( ) and so I sub step, kickboxing, or high/lo for some of the 4 mile runs that she has listed, just making sure not to do the same type of cardio two days in a row. Also, I take a rest day and do NOT do a 10-15 mile run (Carole-you are an AMAZON!)
I've been freestyling for about 3 weeks this time (I've done it before and had great results, but in can be a little time consuming). And so far I've lost a few pounds and my pants are fitting much more loosely along the legs.
I'd be happy to answer any other questions! Good luck,
RE: Another Question

>except that I am aiming for a one body part a day
>rotation for upper body instead of the multiple upper body
>parts twice a week that Carole does (the one body part tends
>to work best for my body. For this I usually use a section
>from CTX, PS, GS, of S&H).

Cool, that is similar to my currently rotation I am doing and brewing now. I did one body part a day by using S&H and PS for a while, I got a very good result. Also, this way would fit in my limit time. I used CTX currently. But my question is will the weight training not enough for upper body compared to S&H to have a good definition in upper body?

>Also, I don't run as much as Carole

Me neither. Carole, thanks for your pm me. I will try to gradually increase my milage and when time close, I will use 12 week training schedule.

>(mostly because it is sloppy winter here:-( ) and so I sub
>step, kickboxing, or high/lo for some of the 4 mile runs that
>she has listed, just making sure not to do the same type of
>cardio two days in a row. Also, I take a rest day and do NOT
>do a 10-15 mile run (Carole-you are an AMAZON!)

Yes, hat off to Carole!

Recently, my cardio includes 3 miles run, kickboxing and Rebounder exercises. I did my high impact in rebounder. My knees so far are coorperating.

Are you able to do high/lo back to back to walking lunge or leg press? I can't. My legs like noodles after I did hi/lo from Cathe's dvds. Last night was the first time I did the AM, PM split. I was very happy with the result. I did the UR Advance cardio, TJ ab jams, Rodey Lee AM Yoga in AM, then did 3 different lunges and PM Yoga at night. I hope my kids can stick to last night sleeping schedule, I would be able to finish this rotation!

>I've been freestyling for about 3 weeks this time (I've done
>it before and had great results, but in can be a little time
>consuming). And so far I've lost a few pounds and my pants are
>fitting much more loosely along the legs.
>I'd be happy to answer any other questions! Good luck,

I did Reba's long version rotation for a month, I saw the result. I could feel the muscle in my leg and my pants fit losely too. But I did not lose any pounds. Unfortunately, I had knees problems and then foot injury, I have to stop workout for a while.

Now I am back to workout, this time I hope I can lose about 20lbs.



"Become the change you want to see in the world. Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever." - Mahatma Gandhi

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